In addition to price, Trinity/FBL has a real edge with that nursing home ABR ... I doubt many agents are presenting it at all, much less correctly.
But very few Trinity agents have access. Most Trinity/FBL still is sold F2F. You are more likely to run into AmAm and Prosperity phone sales when out in the field.
Fair. You have much more knowledge than I do about that.

I guess my point is that as clients age in to the FE demographic, I believe that there will be less and less people who want to meet face to face (for any financial product for that matter).

That doesn't mean that f2f agents can't make bank for the next 10+ years and just retire though.
I think FFL is mainly face to face. Who uses MoO for telesales anyways. Their eapp via pipeline is not very user friendly.

I wholeheartedly agree with you regarding MOO's e-app,; I-Go truly sucks; it's so much easier to just use DocuSign.
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as clients age in to the FE demographic, I believe that there will be less and less people who want to meet face to face (for any financial product for that matter).

One does not age into the FE demographic. One simply is FE. They simply age into FE product range. I think we will always and forever have an FE population who will fill out cards and let door knockers in to sell them little burial policies.
One does not age into the FE demographic. One simply is FE. They simply age into FE product range. I think we will always and forever have an FE population who will fill out cards and let door knockers in to sell them little burial policies.
I guess I was just saying that the potential FE client will be more comfortable dealing with online/telesales.

The 40yo who is going down that path still likely does a lot on their phone and are comfortable with it.
One does not age into the FE demographic. One simply is FE. They simply age into FE product range. I think we will always and forever have an FE population who will fill out cards and let door knockers in to sell them little burial policies.
There is no question that f2f sales is highly effective. Consider this fact: The FE client is a baby-boomer, or older, whom over their lifetime has grown accustomed to doing business f2f. Millennials will one day become the target of FE products. They, however, conduct most of their purchases non-f2f. This includes the young 30 year old FE agent who currently door knocks the baby boomer. Not that many of us will be here to witness it, but what percentage of millennials would you guess will be receptive to a door knocker 20+ years from now?

I'm sure, once upon a time, customer service was conducted f2f too. That time has come and gone, for certain! You can barely get customer service to answer the phone, let alone service you.
FE companies have the attitude that "whatever rolls in the door" is what they want .

They are completely clueless when it comes to putting together a product and service that can't be beat .

Nearly all of them have ways to alienate business,AKA "business prevention department".
"Mrs Mary ... you remember the days when the guy pumped your gas or the milkman delivered the milk? ... I'll give the same service to your daughter .
Your gonna pump the daughters gas & deliver her milk? Not THAT is customer service!