When did you realize it was time to go "ALL IN"?

The first day I was Insurance licensed I quit my job of 19 years that paid $85,000 plus free company Custom Chevy 4x4, free health insurance, free gas, and free use of All motorcycles, jet ski's, ATV's, etc.

Everyone thought I had lost my mind

And your wife did not divorce you?
And your wife did not divorce you?

No she knew I stayed at the old job about 5-years too long. Nothing drags you down in life more than working at a career that you don't love anymore. I didn't know for sure that this was going to go as well as it did. But I never doubted my ability to make a great living at whatever I decided to do. I've always been an extreme work-a-holic and I've always been smart. Or at least smart enough.
If you have a years worth of income saved up, or spouse works, make the jump to being independent asap.

Your clients forever as they age
Your choice of product line.
Your choice of carriers
Your choice of schedule
Your choice of production levels
Your biz owner decisions.
Your brand and marketing.

I am broken goods. Nobody would ever hire me again, and would never pay me more than I get now.
When I realized I had no desire to be someone's bitch....sorry, I meant "employee," anymore. The corporate plantation is for certain people.....I'm not one of them. Watch the movie "Office Space." I'm most definitely my avatar's character after the hypnosis process. Just couldn't take it.
I haven't ever worked for a salary in this business. All in from day 1. School of hard knocks definitely ain't easy, but has had some advantages along the way.
I was the top agent at MetLife in 1990 for combined Life, Health, Group and P&C 1st year commissions.

Hit Every bonus. The next year they Changed the bonuses so I would have to double my production to get half the bonus from the previous year.

Thats when I left 200k (down from 400k as I depleted it for 3 months) in the Salary pool to go totally independent. When your are a top producer, not putting the effort gets noticed quickly. Luckily for me the 100k per year in group health busines, stayed with me through an AOR when I recontracted with their group division as an independent.

You will find your reason too, they are all personal and different.

The Skipper
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