Wouldn't you guys agree that when a formerly good prospect goes cold/turns off that it's usually because the incumbent agent got to them? That's been my experience on the few that give a reason. And it's usually around the time Loss Runs are requested.
I just try to work that in as we go. That the incumbent is gonna do all they can to keep you. If they say, 'well if our agent can beat your price, I'll stay', I walk. If they're buddies with the incumbent, I walk, but stay in touch in case they ever have a big disagreement.
they are buddies for a reason you need to find a need and sell them on that fact, If they got in touch with their incumbent agent to me is because you never had that client never was sold on something,( you made them interested on something but never follow through on the sale) again find a need and create a want. if there is no need or want then why they are going to first look for all the info that you are going to need or ask, and second most importantly change their insurance agent when all their needs have been made and satisfied.
there is many ways to create a need and a want its part of sale at all times.