Hello, I am a newly licensed agent. I am currently employed by a large mortgage company as a temporary worker. I make garbage.
Anyhow, I am confident I can kick some serious butt selling insurance. And I have the motivation to put in the time and energy doing it. But I am looking for something very specific.
1. Leads, free or very in-expensive. I do not want to hit up all my friends and family just starting out. I just won't do it.
2. I don't want to wait for ever to make some decent income.
3. Enough residual income in 5-8 years that I don't have to work more then 20 hours a week, and still make a 6 figure income.
I have other things that I am looking out for, but these are the most important things to me. I probably sound naive, but I got my license with these goals in mind. I have never sold insurance before, and I obviously do not have any capital to speak of. But I have a dream. And I am hungry. I do not want to get in with the wrong company that will try and take advantage of me, I just want to go work and makes lot's of money.
Thanks for any help.
You need to go and read this.
Attention New Life Agents <--- Click Here and read every word of it.
To just be up front with you....I don't think this is the business for you.
This is a career and not a job...This is not a get rich fast type thing...It sounds like you want to spend very little money but yet you want to make tons of money fast...That just won't work. I never read where you want to help people either.
Also, most lead companies suck. Even the high dollar leads most of the time suck...so the cheap to free ones, really suck bad.