Where Do We Get The Free Care ?

Re: 'where Do We Get The Free Care?'

I was asked this very question last night.. when does the free health insurance kick in??

Once I explained how it really works they where extremely less enthusiastic!!

Just wait for the opinion polls in 6 months when premiums are skyrocketing and nothing is changing
Re: 'where Do We Get The Free Care?'

6 months when premiums are skyrocketing and nothing is changing

Not the change you were hoping for, huh?

The FREE health insurance starts in 2014 for half the folks that are uninsured. It's called Obamacaid.

We used to call in Medicaid, but in honor of our prez we needed to change the name.
Re: 'where Do We Get The Free Care?'

Currently just go to the local ER and state that you have no insurance. By Federal law they must stabilize you before you can be discharged. There was an article recently in the local newspaper about the practice. It can be worse if the patient is not a U.S. citizen or an alien with a green card. They may end up staying in the hospital for extended periods that are not paid for by an agency. It is called "dumping" in hospital parlance. It related a case of an undocumented alien who has been in a local hosptal since last year. She really needs to be in a nursing home under Medicaid; however, since she is an illegal alien she cannot be covered by Medicaid and her family does not have the wherewithal to care for her at home.
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I hit a national serch term on yahoo last week... yippee!!!...Now every knuckle drager and their mamma is calling.. BOOO!!! problem? 10-50 calls a day asking for their free coverage. I'm like I am just an agency in Texas, did the state flag of Texas not tip you off?
Re: 'where Do We Get The Free Care?'

"I was asked this very question last night.. when does the free health insurance kick in??

Once I explained how it really works they where extremely less enthusiastic!!"

Or they see you as the devil and should be burned at the stake for telling them the truth.

"What do you mean it's not free?"
Ayn Rand will rise from her grave and rain down libertarian nuclear fire on them anyhow.

Atlas Shrugged had it right.