Where Have You Left Cards?

You want results you would have better luck with a flyer with a call to action most business cards just provide basic contact info and do nothing to get someone to call...I can guarantee you the most results you will get from leaving your card on a board like that is other insurance agents will notice it...I know I certainly notice them. When I am at those boards I am grabbing cards to call people to introduce myself, and discarding other agents cards.

I reason I ask for a prospects business card over handing out mine is I know where my card will end up it will either immediatly hit the trash or be used to pick the prospects teeth first. When I get thier card and most of the time I get it from one of thier workers when I stop in unannounced I call them and tell them I stopped into thier business to introduce myself the other day and missed them and would like an opportunity to show them the work I do.

Instead of leaving your business card see if you can get a flyer with say our lowest introductory rates and show some rates (must be carrier approved) included contact info and one of those scanable bar codes so the phone number or website is automatically loaded into thier phone.

Nice! That is some good info. I wasn't trying to be too big of a jerk, just a little, but I would rather hear some really constructive advice, Which you did provide! Honestly, I hadn't thought of snagging small business owner cards from those boards. Have you had some solid results from calling on them?
wweibert said:
Nice! That is some good info. I wasn't trying to be too big of a jerk, just a little, but I would rather hear some really constructive advice, Which you did provide! Honestly, I hadn't thought of snagging small business owner cards from those boards. Have you had some solid results from calling on them?

Yes I have.....I first started grabbing cards like that when I was selling advertising, I also grabbed the free papers and called people with ads in there because they already saw the need of buying what I was selling.

I also left out I don't leave my card when I walk in on a business person or thier employee I leave a flyer with a call to action....most of the flyers I use have a spot to write in a request that can be faxed back but honestly I get more results by following up it just like a direct mail card doesn't sell insurance it also doesn't set the appointment and I don't expect a business card to do that either.

I was serious though that if I came accross a bulletin board and saw you were a competitor I would take your card and replace it with mine not because I think it will work but I know yours won't when I toss them in the trash.
I was serious though that if I came accross a bulletin board and saw you were a competitor I would take your card and replace it with mine not because I think it will work but I know yours won't when I toss them in the trash.

That's a pretty poor way to represent yourself.
Is that any different than taking a sale away from another agent or from replacing their policy?

Yes it is. It's also pretty immature.

There are probably 20 insurance agents in my town and I consider at least half of them friends, not competition. Replacing business is just part of the cycle, and as professionals most of us understand that. Doesn't mean we won't make a last attempt to save a client from each other, but it's all done in a respectful way.

Throwing away someone's business card takes it from that professional level to a childish one. IMO.
Yes it is. It's also pretty immature.

There are probably 20 insurance agents in my town and I consider at least half of them friends, not competition. Replacing business is just part of the cycle, and as professionals most of us understand that. Doesn't mean we won't make a last attempt to save a client from each other, but it's all done in a respectful way.

Throwing away someone's business card takes it from that professional level to a childish one. IMO.

Immature or aggressive? I think it all depends upon perspective.
Immature or aggressive? I think it all depends upon perspective.

Maybe. But it is also a good way to burn bridges.

As P&C agent I meet people every week that I can't help. Maybe they don't fit our underwriting guidelines or we just aren't priced in the ballpark on them. I refer them to another agent in town who I think can help them. I also get referrals from other agents in town every week in the same position. As a matter of fact I had two clients this past week referred to me by other agents in town.

I certainly wouldn't refer someone to an agent if I knew that they were throwing my cards away. Would you?
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Maybe. But it is also a good way to burn bridges.

As P&C agent I meet people every week that I can't help. Maybe they don't fit our underwriting guidelines or we just aren't priced in the ballpark on them. I refer them to another agent in town who I think can help them. I also get referrals from other agents in town every week in the same position. As a matter of fact I had two clients this past week referred to me by other agents in town.

I certainly wouldn't refer someone to an agent if I knew that they were throwing my cards away. Would you?

There is a difference if you are L&H versus P&C. If you are an SF agent the agent selling minimum coverage is not your competition. If you are a FE agent neither is the NYL agent. However, if you are both selling med supps............