Where is DayTimer?

So yes, and then knee surgery, and then sometimes I have to take breaks from the forum because while I'm open to others having the right to their own opinions, there's a difference between truth and truthiness.

Many of our members (and it happens in the crypto community as well) deal with truthiness.
"What is truth? "
LOL Dont ask this guy

"What is truth? "

Truth is actuality, based in real events and facts. It is verifiable and the totality of real things.

Truthiness is based in what you feel, an opinion, which can be twisted to fit your needs. It doesn't stand up to scrutiny by factual questioning.

A lot of people on this form present truthiness as truth. When it's scrutanized, they change the argument, premise, or get lazy and just bash the other side. As noted, I'm all for opinions and open to change my mind as new, factually accurate information becomes available.

That's not what happens here.
Truth is actuality, based in real events and facts. It is verifiable and the totality of real things.

Truthiness is based in what you feel, an opinion, which can be twisted to fit your needs. It doesn't stand up to scrutiny by factual questioning.

A lot of people on this form present truthiness as truth. When it's scrutanized, they change the argument, premise, or get lazy and just bash the other side. As noted, I'm all for opinions and open to change my mind as new, factually accurate information becomes available.

That's not what happens here.
Truth to an individual is whatever they perceive it to be.

You say, "Truth is actuality, based in real events and facts. It is verifiable and the totality of real things." You can have two people who view the same real event and come away with two totally different views of what took place. And, each will swear that their version of what they saw, heard, etc. is the, 'truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
Truth to an individual is whatever they perceive it to be.

You say, "Truth is actuality, based in real events and facts. It is verifiable and the totality of real things." You can have two people who view the same real event and come away with two totally different views of what took place. And, each will swear that their version of what they saw, heard, etc. is the, 'truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

Whatever they say does not matter, If you jump off the empire state building you will die no matter what your view is

Truth is truth and unchangeable

We may have different views and beliefs We may have science that says this and then years later say the opposite with new information

But none of that changed the truth that Is constant
Truth is actuality, based in real events and facts. It is verifiable and the totality of real things.

Truthiness is based in what you feel, an opinion, which can be twisted to fit your needs. It doesn't stand up to scrutiny by factual questioning.

A lot of people on this form present truthiness as truth. When it's scrutanized, they change the argument, premise, or get lazy and just bash the other side. As noted, I'm all for opinions and open to change my mind as new, factually accurate information becomes available.

That's not what happens here.
Oooh. Travis is back. So now I know but he has me on ignore, so he may not know that I know, but I know , so even if he doesn't know that I know, I know now. You know?