Where Should I Keep My Client Data and Notes?

What kind of notes that are u worrying about. Are going to do ID theft on ur clients.
I sell life, LTC, annuities and DI.

I don't have a preference of either cloud or on my computer but I am looking for something that is compatiable with apple for about 1000 contacts.

Should I just put notes in their folders and make it simple? My only concern with that is when I start to prospect policies I sold down the road.
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No ID theft I have ethics. The kind of notes like having a child soon, call in 3 months, has a CD coming due next year. Notes that will make ME money down the road
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I think that your relationship with your customers is what wills save you. People like to stick with the same person through the process unless they don't like the salesperson.
if they are no that much just make the old fashon file for them and that way you can take it with you when you leave.
I have about 1000 and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon but I want to plan ahead in case I do
This is an old thread but I am about to sign up with SmartOffice (captive agency version). My understanding is the data would be saved in SmartOffice and not sync into your carrier's database. So that should not be a concern.

Anyone current users have feedback that I should be aware of? Much appreciated.
