Where to Find Property Info?

Mark's idea is better.

Do not over trust Zillow too much. My 7500 SQ FT log house leads back off a sub. Since none around like it, there are no comps. I wish the tax assessor agreed with their figures. Willow values at 1.2 Mil. with land.

House is insured for 1.9 Mil. without giving me true replacement, and of course not considering 55 acres of land.
A lot of time, I can find info on a property at zillow.com or realtor.com and sometimes in the county asessor's office...but not always.

Sometimes the owners do not know when it was built, sq. footage, etc. Is there a free site that I can look this up myself?

I'm in California, if that makes any difference.


Here in Canada we use the mls exchange, depends on where your located i suppose,

Please please please don't use any of the aggregate real estate sites for sqft verification. learned this from personal experience. those sites only care about RE agents paying for advertising, not the quality of a home's info.

get a contractor's account with your local MLS, which normally has access to tax/recorder office stats. or call those offices directly. if you use them enough, they might start to know and like you (and maybe get the info quicker?). ;)

orrrr, team up with a local RE agent (i used to be one and know this works) who can pull info for you.