Where To Start


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I would like to know if some of you can tell me where an agent brand new to annuities should start as far as learning all the ends and outs and the explination of lingo such as spread cap you know what each part of the annuity actually means? I am talking about fixed and indexed products.
Thanks for any help you can provide.:1confused:
I would like to know if some of you can tell me where an agent brand new to annuities should start as far as learning all the ends and outs and the explination of lingo such as spread cap you know what each part of the annuity actually means? I am talking about fixed and indexed products.
Thanks for any help you can provide.:1confused:

I get a postcard every week offering me training on them.

Brad Howard
Only Financial Group

866-INS-ONLY x108
512-727-6608 (fax)
[email protected]


The Dendy Group > Home

are just two IMO's that I know that do annuities..
Take a continuing ed class. And google Jack Marrion. Take a look at his site.

Not sure why mark is pimping other fmo's. I understand Brad Howard's focus is in the life business, not annuities.
Take a continuing ed class. And google Jack Marrion. Take a look at his site.

Not sure why mark is pimping other fmo's. I understand Brad Howard's focus is in the life business, not annuities.

Because I don't do Annuities. It is not my market.

Brad Howard does have a lead system for his Annuities. But I won't speak for the other IMO's.

Insuranceexece also does a good job in annuites
I don't think the OP was looking for a referral to an IMO. He wants to learn annuities.

Most IMO's just want the agents' business -- they don't provide a lot of training, especially on such a basic level.

I like you Mark, but some of your posts seem like you are posting just for the sake of posting. If annuities aren't your thing, then why are you posting in this thread?

Think about where Amber went wrong....
Because Rebecca and I are friends and she started the post.

She would want my answer and I wanted to help her.

I do recommend others IMO sometimes. THere is stuff that I just don't do and dont mind helping people find the answers for what they are looking for.