Wheres All This ObamaCare Crap At?


1000 Post Club
Man I gave up follow that sh*t 3 years ago- I thought he was suppose to have some "affordable guaranteed" health plans...... well?...... Wheres it at?
Man I gave up follow that sh*t 3 years ago- I thought he was suppose to have some "affordable guaranteed" health plans...... well?...... Wheres it at?

It was swallowed up by the earthquake in Japan, right along with the economy, jobs, prosperity etc.:no:
its all in place and the world has melded into a happy world now... the entire health status of every american is close to being equal... there are no more sick folks... obama fixed everything... we and now happy... geez dude, get with it
"...HAD it going on." Bet she's not quite as cute anymore!

Some still look good at 70.

I used Photoshop on my FB pic. Took 20 years off!

So you are still (or back) in the dating game?

Us married guys can't get away with that.

she probably is still hot in person.

Have not seen Raquel in person, but I did see her on TV a few months back. Looks damn good!