Which Do You Want Most?


5000 Post Club
Which do you want most. Obamacare gone or Obama gone?

You can kill Obamacare at the court but if the lefty goose keeps laying lefty eggs then you have gotten nowhere. He has more lefty duck tape and lefty bondo to put on legislation and court orders that he doesnt like than you can shake a stick at.

Even though I am taken aback along with the others, I will say what I have continued to say, this is lose/lose for Obama. "If he wins totally in the Supreme Court, what does he get other than a chance to go out and keep marketing one of the least popular programs in recent history." There are pundits here who will point to past programs that had rough acceptance and all of that but Obamacare is unique in that it has consistently lost ground with the public since being enacted. Other programs had trouble getting through the knothole but once enacted they gained acceptance among the general pubic even though the detractors became louder and stronger.

You ever have a woman leave ya and feel like you are going to die? Then six months later you realize it is the best thing that ever happened to you? Dont go upping your meds after this Court decision just yet. Wait til you see how this plays out in middle america first. That dog dont wanna hunt and every poll shows it, even among his base and (to go back to my earlier point) unlike other programs the acceptance is getting worse over time, not better.

If Romney can't play this right because he is a dud or if the citzenry won't fire up at the polls, then Obama wins fair and square. He isnt there yet though. He has go around the country now flying the Obama lead balloon behind his limo and see how that works out. The Court just created the rallying call that Romney lacks.

Also as previously stated, every single solitary rep and senator running for office will be asked to state where they stand on the "repealing Obamacare" issue. Not gonna be fun for some of them. We already have dems refusing to go to the convention because they dont want someone to take their picture if Obama is in the same room.

The answer to the question above is: You want Obama removed more than Obamacare. It is going to be bloody and productive. So be it. The court not letting Obama out from under Obamacare could be a blessing in disquise.

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If Romney beats Obama in November, Obamacare will be dismantled also. But I do wish that Romney would quit saying (as he is today) that on "Day 1" he'll get rid of Obamacare. I don't think it's that simple and it reeks of desperation to be elected. People get turned off by desperate politicians..and salesmen.
If Romney beats Obama in November, Obamacare will be dismantled also. But I do wish that Romney would quit saying (as he is today) that on "Day 1" he'll get rid of Obamacare. I don't think it's that simple and it reeks of desperation to be elected. People get turned off by desperate politicians..and salesmen.

Heh, well it is politics. Romney is usually accused of skirting around and being unclear on an issue but he has been consistently clear that on day one he will take steps to repeal Obamacare. Now some people want him to be less clear. Such is life on the trail.

And then you have libs now arguing that he doesnt have the power under the constitution to use executive power to look the other way in regard to implementing federal laws. Guess it is a new week. Last week they were applauding it in regard to immigration.
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How about let's start with Obama and then get rid of the Fed, and as long as it's Butterflies and Unicorns Day, how about the IRS after that?
Earlier in the week, Obama was telling supporters to be ready to do what it takes to fight and obtain healthcare for all, inspite of how the Supreme Court Rules.

Today, he's asking opponents of the law to not rock the boat by dragging the country through the healthcare reform battle again.

And we elect these guys?
Romney is a liberal.

Romney is the godfather of mandated coverage.

Romney will say anything to get elected.

What in the world would make you believe that he would dismantle the health reform act?

What kind hash do you guys smoke? Got a hit for me?

Very simple: if Romney runs on that, the Reps win the Senate and hold the House, and he doesn't do it, he won't be re-elected.