Whine, Moan, and Complain

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Well, Al, you are wrong again. Running is cowardice. Going to prison for your beliefs is at least taking a stand.

As a country, we have over 50 trillion in unfunded liablilites already on the books. How is adding healthcare going to make our lives better?

I recommend taking the money that your are buying the boat with and paying for someone's healthcare. There are many needy people and that will be way more effective than giving it to the government and having them siphon off 60% to pay for the beauracracy.

Here is a great video that goes along with what you were saying about the $50tril. It's about 30min long but worth it.

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AL, it looks like you're the one doing all the bitching and moaning.

We're just all waiting to hear the signal when we can cancel our health insurance premiums.

Change ALWAYS creates new opportunities. Who cares what Obama does? It's just moved cheese.

If Obama really does great things for all of us...we all benefit. If he fails we just get to say "I told you so."

Big deal! People who worry to much about what politicians are doing are time-wasters and excuse-makers.

Al, I think you better sit back a while. It's too early for you to be saying "I told you so."
Divide and conquer, you lose!

We've already seen who is more important to government by who is being bailed out. IT IS NOT MAIN STREET. Democrats and Republicans are for themselves and their own personal interests. Political Science 101.

Pulling for a party to me only shows ignorance. I'll vote for the person that is the best candidate practically every time. Oh but what about the party agenda? You're telling me you believe campaign promises? If you do you're a sucker, a pawn, roadkill.

Obama said all Americans would have access to the same health plan that he does, or something like that. What plan does he have? I surely hope that they are on Tricare like the military. If not, then why the HELL not?
We lost as many under Nixon/Ford as we did JFK/LBJ.

"I'm in favor of re-instituting the draft. Nothing will get people into the streets faster to protest dual wars that we will eventually lose (as we did in Korea and Vietnam) than a draft of YOUR sons and daughters."

How about protecting the borders? Thanks to open borders and sucking up to the Saudis we had dozens of terrorists cells running around. We have over four times the Saudis reserves in the lower 48 states onshore but liberal environmentalists block access to it due to fantasies like Global Warming.

Meanwhile these faux environmentalists ignore the original Sierra Club intent of stopping sprwal & population explosion because the current Sierra Club panders to the DNC and illegals.

"Just like the 60,000 dead in Vietnam, the 5,000 lost in Iraq and Afghanistan are for nothing. Military life if cheap to all you flag-waving, macho, let's-kick-some-ass Republicans."

Once again Vietnam was JFK/LBJ's war. See Gulf of Tonkin. LBJ became the wealthiest Pres after Geo Washington. LBJ owned Bown & Root Construction which merged into Halliburton. They built all the bases in SE Asia and Johnson Fence Company had all the fence contracts. Nixon by comparison was almost broke when he left office.

Do you still live in the USA? Do you know the whole country is bankrupt.

Yes Al - it is called mandated spending passed by liberal Democrats plus bankrupt due to open borders thanks to Teddy Kennedy and liberal judges. CA passed citizen sponsored law to rein it in a few years ago - overturned by liberal judges.

How come the entire country that was run by a conservative Republican president and congress is bankrupt?

Bush is a RINO but the country was doing fairly well until 2006 when Pelosi and Reid took over Congress. Bush and RINO McCain tried to rein in Fannie & Freddie and were blocked by Barney Frank and the Congressional Black Caucus. These bogus mortgages to the poor were pushed by a community agitator lawyer in Chicago who sued Citicorp (now bankrupt) to make loans to people who had no chance in repaying them aka CRA.

The last Republican President we had was Reagan.
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Let me share some wisdom with everyone. Any thread that has Al3 in it is just a waste of time. Your blood pressure will shot through the roof and you will be no better off for reading the post. Just move on to the more profitable posts on this site and let Al3 wallow in his misery. Trust me, he will see the errors of his ways soon enough.

My apologies to the rest of the group for taking the AI3 bait. This forum should be for sharing ideas, helping clients, exposing fraud and improving our careers and the industry. Sorry gang.

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We look at you as comic relief. Terrified? I'm more concerned that my mail will be 10 minutes late.

Knowing you as we all do and the anger management issues you deal with, I'm sure the mail just one of the long list of items you are paranoid about.

Al, do you have any friends? If not, go to the welfare office and make some.

Perhaps that is what is done in Encino where you live. Here we go to the golf club. (However I met Moonlight (or was it Winter?) at a really upscale leather-bar on Polk Street many years ago :laugh: )
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Your over-estimation of yourself is one of the prime components of your total self-absorption.

As Dizzy Dean said: "It's not bragging if you can do it."

What do YOU do Moonlight... except whine, moan, and complain about the kind of change you seem to fear? Why don't you organize the agents here to "shout out" about it to those in government who will listen to you? You're just a big hat with no cattle.

I started this thread so as to maybe jar some of you conservatives to get off your big fat butts and do something. But all you seem to be able to do is take pot-shots at me. Like that's going to help your cause a lot?

Terrified? Of you? I've had pimples on my a** that terrified me more!

I told you before, you gotta stay away from those leather-boys.

I don't take anything you write seriously.

Oh I disagree. You take it very seriously. No one would spend as much time in reply as you do if they didn't. If you didn't care... you wouldn't reply... which would be a good thing for all of us. Please. Don't care!
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Al...you are terribly mistaken...this is an affirmation thread, not an information thread. I would bet that none of us has enough information to make a spot on depiction of what will and wont work for healthcare in the future. It's 10 to 1 and they are all just affirming what the other one says. That being said, it's incredibly naive for you to think you can change the viewpoint of passionate adults through words on a message board. Maybe everyone is wrong, and you are right..but who cares...just go make some sales...at least we are all good at that....hopefully..
Al...you are terribly mistaken...this is an affirmation thread, not an information thread.

I had hoped that it would morph into a discussion about "How we [them, not me!]conservative agents" can make our voices heard" and that maybe one the "louder mouths" on the conservative side would offer to start a group to take on the "evil" liberals [like me!]. I thought that John P.'s association would be a good venue for this activity.

I would bet that none of us has enough information to make a spot on depiction of what will and wont work for healthcare in the future.

There are guys here who have a hundred and ten years of experience in healthcare and have strong ideas and opinions of what will and (especially won't) work. Damn few of them can write a full sentence, but they do have the knowledge. Combine them with the three of four who are articulate and it could become an influential voice (blog, newsletter, etc.)

It's 10 to 1 and they are all just affirming what the other one says. That being said, it's incredibly naive for you to think you can change the viewpoint of passionate adults through words on a message board.

I've had a lot of experience in organizing petitions, letter-writing campaigns, informational news releases, as well as getting people to attend a community counsel meeting on a zoning issue or something that is important to them. I'll agree it is difficult to change the viewpoint of people but it was done in the Civil Rights movement as well as with the Vietnam war. And how did Reagan get all of those Democrats to vote for him?

Maybe everyone is wrong, and you are right..but who cares...just go make some sales...at least we are all good at that....hopefully..

Most often I take Friday off. I often will work part of Saturday to do a home visit if one comes up. I find that working a good solid 7 hours a day (including 2-3 hours a day (every day!) of cold-calling), 4 days a week is all I need to make what I need (which is probably less than others since I have other sources of income.)
Al, don't get the impression that your opinion isn't welcome. It just wrong.

I love a good debate.

That being said, I think it is hypocritical of you to buy a boat when so many are in need. You think everyone should solve problems for other people, yet you spend your money on worldly treasures.
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