Who Experiences STRANGE Technical Problems with The Overall Forum?


5000 Post Club
I was hesitant to start this thread, thinking that I might just be diagnosing things wrong, but let me ask members the question...

Have you had a hard time accessing various locations within the overall forum, or more specifically, the Health Insurance Reform section, in the last couple of months?

From time-to-time, I can't post to, or open threads. Also for several minutes, every few days, the entire insurance-forums.net is in-accessible. I try different computers, browsers, etc.. with the same results at that specific time. (All other sites are accessible just fine.)

I didn't experience any of this until the Healthcare Reform board started accumulating so many factual posts that contradicted what the government is telling the public about the ACA in general.

If no one is experiencing this but me, I'll delete this thread and check myself in someplace for observation..haha.
As long as I have been here, never knew there was an overall forum.

Have you applied for a tax exempt status recently?

No... But I did have a devil of a time posting the FORBES article this morning which went contrary to officials stating that the California 2014 exchange premiums "weren't bad at all." Forbes demonstrated that the actual 2014 IFP premiums are 60% to 146% higher than California IFP premiums today. It took 4 attempts to get it posted.

Ya'll gotta keep in mind that this little ole forum is, in actuality, the largest collection of hourly updated ObamaCare FACTS and TRUTHS anywhere...capisci?

p.s. I'm sure there's an "overall" forum somewhere on the web for the fashion conscious chaps like you, Somarco!
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Ya'll gotta keep in mind that this little ole forum is, in actuality, the largest collection of hourly updated ObamaCare FACTS and TRUTHS anywhere.

Even ahead of Fox news.

PresBO learns about what is going on from CBS. Too bad he doesn't read the forum.
Have you pissed of Rahm lately?
Or maybe had lunch with an Axel Rod?
Paid your internet bill on time?
No problems on my end, but that's because I love democrats. Try it sometime, you might even get free internet