Who Has

In most states I think you can still contract direct with Am Continental.

Call them and ask for Georgia Fletcher in marketing, 800-445-4254. She should be able to set you up with a pretty good contract.

I have been working with her for years and she is extremely helpful, a real sweetheart. If you mention my name I don't think she will hang up on you. haha
LOL Thank you Frank! How is their FE product? Is there any other company that may be better for FE for age 86?

In most states I think you can still contract direct with Am Continental.

Call them and ask for Georgia Fletcher in marketing, 800-445-4254. She should be able to set you up with a pretty good contract.

I have been working with her for years and she is extremely helpful, a real sweetheart. If you mention my name I don't think she will hang up on you. haha
In most states I think you can still contract direct with Am Continental.

Call them and ask for Georgia Fletcher in marketing, 800-445-4254. She should be able to set you up with a pretty good contract.

I have been working with her for years and she is extremely helpful, a real sweetheart. If you mention my name I don't think she will hang up on you. haha
I agree with Frank, Georgia Fletcher is tops in my book.
We distribute for them they have their good and bad points but over all we like them. Give me a call and I will share my experience with them and a good contract if you like.

Honestly, since all you do is shill, do the forum a favor and buy an ad. At least then you'll be contributing something to the forum. Yes, she did ask for contracts, but she also asked to be contacted directly.
Honestly, since all you do is shill, do the forum a favor and buy an ad. At least then you'll be contributing something to the forum. Yes, she did ask for contracts, but she also asked to be contacted directly.


I KNOW that when I see the sig line from Jimbo, there is no reason to read his post BECAUSE it always ends the same.

Two words Mr. Jim.......... IG NORE :goofy:
What a waste of space.... were you reaching for that 20th post?!

I love how vague the subject of the thread was. Other directions it could have gone in.

Who Has...

a new car?
vacation property?
a boat?
more leads than they not what to do with?
nausea, heartburn, indigestion?
AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis?
time to visit www.arcadianhealthplans.com?
No really, it's not that annoying, because if you paid attention, you can hover over a thread title, within the forum section and see the first sentence or so of the thread.... just an FYI.

No, don't really care how many posts I make. The first few times you posted with random subjects like "question" and things like that I thought it was just a new girl thing and that you were still getting used to the format of the forum here, but apparently I was wrong.

Let me ask you this though, don't you think it's annoying to look through the new threads that come on each day and have a subject line in one so vague that it could be a thread about anything? Would it really be that hard to post "Looking For American Continental Contracts" or "Question About American Continental" or anything that at least has some reference to what you're looking for?