So I have been getting smashed lately being the first sucker in the hole due to the fact many agents locally have decided that the later they can submit the quote the better chance they have at getting the business... This is mostly directed at the incumbents. A lot of these guys are waiting the last minute to quote making the client feel obligated to wait and then digging in on were the other agents are falling quote wise to tailor their quote to be the winning pick. Now this thread is a bit of complaining but most of the time I tell the prospect "hey I am not a coupon and if you are just planning on using my quote to keep your agent honest or lower your current rate with your agent, then I am taking a walk" I make it very clear that this quote is intended to write the business... Should I fight fire with fire and just be last minute as well ? any thoughts... i feel the last minute approach to be highly unprofessional and inconsiderate but for some reason they are conditioned to it and is working ?