Who Stands Up for the Agent?

I think where I find most of the pain on the health side of the business which I should have clearly articulated at the beginning of this thread.

However, in regards to Life Insurance contracts, you are forced to sign a contract w/o modifications if you want to sell a product. Forget commissions for a minute...how about chargebacks? Continuation of commissions? Etc.? These are important terms of an agreement that a Life Insurance company forces you to agree to and which many times, are changed down the road with or without negotiations. How is that fair?

I still disagree that we need to count on a GA to work on our behalf, to me, there is an inherent conflict of interest. GAs walk a fine line of keeping the carrier happy and the agent happy. They will talk out of both sides of their you-know-what to keep the peace. In addition, many agents do not know what kind of special deals a GA makes with a carrier to promote their product.

I have a good GA. I am not against GAs but again, my self-interest is not always the interest of others. This is where, in my opinion, an association that is not a part of my compensation with no ax to grind could help represent us Indy agents. That's my opinion.