Who's Responsible

Was the limb broken off or had it be cut off? Surely someone knows what crew was working in that area.
Have you EVER seen a crew cut a limb above a parked car? Probably not. In fact, its rare to have power lines above parked cars. Yes, it does happen, but the normal situation would be the crew was not working on the branch that fell.

It's easy to tell. If the branch is cut, okay. If it broke, the crew didn't do it. Pretty simple.

You had a crew because of the storm. Its very likely (more likely in my experience) that the same storm broke the branch that fell on the car.

Yes, I'm giving the crew credit for using some common sense and doing their work at least somewhat professionally. Maybe this didn't happen, but I'm not going to bury the crew till there is a statement that says that the branch was cut.
