Why Are Republicans Opposed to the Mandate?

It is a far overreaching power of govt for them to force someone to buy a product because it supports their legislation. Slippery slope if you ask me...

And the health insurance exchanges will make the agents nearly obsolete - as well as many insurance carriers as well. That's a whole other downhill ride toward single payer that no country has been able to afford.
I Will Tell U What I Am Opposed To In Just 1 Second:

I Am Opposed To Obama And His Cohorts Raping And Pillaging The American Public!
The automobile mandate and health insurance madate is not the same. To begin with, auto coverage is mandated by the states, not the fed govt. Auto coverage, specifically liability, is to cover other drivers and others property. Collision, as we all know can be dropped. Another misnomer is that I need to have auto insurance on my car, which is not true. I only need auto insurance if I drive my car. Driving is a privledge, which is how it becomes easy for taxing. When "being" is a privledge, then they can tax me.

The mandate to have coverage does not mean someone has "skin in the game" as the article suggests. Rather, it will have the opposite effect.

The State of Mass health plan is a mess, so please, no comparisons here.

Article states as an argument that since hospitals are already required to cover emergency care, this is no big deal. Remember, they are required to cover "EMERGENCY" care only, not everyday expenses. Big difference.