- 1,240
thanks Frank for the compliment. I just had a case where a prospect had Plan J with Bankers Life. He was paying $196 a month on it. I offered him Plan J with AARP for 122 a month. I explained those extra benefits, how they're rarely used, but he wanted to stick with Plan J. The Banker's Life agent was like a pitbull. He told the client that AARP was attained age, he told them they would have numerous rate increases, he did everything but put on a scary outfit and jump out of the closet to scare this guy. I had to show the client that Bankers is the attained age policy, not AARP, I had to explain that whenever an insurance company wants to have a rate increase they have to go to the state insurance department and prove why they should have a rate increase, they can't just do it whenever they want. I go the sale but it took a lot of educating this person. Who knows what else this agent said to this guy.