Why I Don't Fear Google OR Direct Markets


1000 Post Club
RELATIONSHIPS in my local real estate market.

We all hear the hype about Google, Amazon & the younger populations getting into the direct markets. Yes, you can't help but question the perpetuation of our business in this regard BUT here's how I see it. I get all my business from local realtors & mortgage lenders...people buying new homes. Home prices are relative to the market, so for a frame of reference...in my local market my business is 15% rich people, 55% upper middle class, 20% middle class & 10% other.

These people (of ALL ages) just don't want to take the time out of their day to mess w/ insurance (something that's foreign them..) especially when their dealing w/ all the other headaches of moving. Their professional insists they let me handle their insurance & after speaking w/ them a few times they are MINE. I solidify myself as "their insurance agent who's an expert." Now I'm sure there's a % of people referred to me that never call because they do it themselves, but my business is EVER growing.

I know for myself, I don't have the time to shop TV's, vacuum cleaners, HVAC systems blah blah blah. I go to a professional who's referred to me & that's that. I want a local place I can deal w/ when something goes wrong & I want somebody to talk to. By income statistics I'm upper class top 6%.

So long as we target the RIGHT business, these online retailers will be churning & burning the bum business we don't want anyway. I for one believe that as people make their way into the upper classes of income, they have less & less time in their lives to waste it trying to find their own insurance. Sure the younger populations are much more comfortable w/ the internet for what younger populations deal w/ (games, social media etc..) BUT as they become educated, get good jobs, advance their careers, open businesses, have families & ultimately get into the upper classes...they most likely WON'T want to waste their time. THIS is how we work in the upper classes. We've got here because we recognize what we don't know & we know how to source our needs to the right people.

I for one...don't see that demographic changing. Let Google & Direct markets scoop up all the bums who actually care to take time out of their day to (what they believe...) is gonna be some "deal." I for one trust myself to source that to a professional & spend that time w/ my family OR making more money.