Why Purchase Medsups ???

Maybe i worded that wrong. I mean MORE COVERAGE for the $ and cheaper mth monthly op. Is that better ?

LOL..."all i can say is WOW!"
(for a simple question, you sure are DRAMATIC mr.sman)

That's dramatic? Hang around a little longer and you'll see some folks get much more dramatic than that. It appears you are basing your analysis solely on monthly premium. It takes one hospital stay for most people (at least in my area) to have been better off with a Med Supp.

Here's another example, I have a soon to be client who sees 4 specialists per month. Assuming a $40-$50 copay for those specialist he would spend $160-$200 per month just in copays. One other problem, they don't accept ANY MA plans. You really have to look at each persons situation individually and can't make blanket statements like you did.

And just a word of caution, you might want to avoid using terms like "better" and "best" when selling MA plans. CMS frowns upon those types of superlatives.


MA has "more" coverage than a med sup? really?? Where?

Quit being so dramatic jd.
Why would some purchase Med Supps vs. Med. Advant?

What a great question. I don't think this question has ever been asked before.
In my neck of the woods, the Medicare Advantage plans have all tucked tail and run. Therefore, a Medicare supplement is the only choice.
I hope this answer helps.
Medicare Advantage plans work great until you have a serious health condition. Unless you are the type of person who believes that all doctors are good then why subject yourself to a network that is limited?

Medicare Advantage plans are a pay as you go type plan, they work great until you use them and have to pay a bunch of stuff out of pocket. Most people on MAPD plans are poor and can't afford premium, how do they afford the OOP? And now more and more of the plans are even adding premium.

These are things that I struggle with............

I actually think most people would be better off with a High F with a OOP max and a drug plan but then the agents can't make enough to survive just offering High F plans, you have to cross sell and that doesn't always work either.

The MAPD plans change every year, that's not a problem for a lot of people but most people's thinking starts to slow down in their 70s and 80s so how are they supposed to figure all that stuff out? That's why so many seniors like Plan F, nothing to be concerned about as long as Medicare approves the claim.

And from the agent's point of view if the plans change enough that all we are doing is servicing existing clients and don't have time to add new clients then we aren't increasing our income?:nah:

And then of course you have the regulations. Someone once told me MAPD plans were like driving, eventually you're going to get stopped and either get a warning or a ticket and then you have to deal with it.

I offer both right now but seriously considering only doing med supps.
Maybe I would not notice as much if I only worked 1 or 2 states

However I do see Every Aep in at least 1 state there are major changes to the most popular plan in an Area where senior's are flipping out trying to find the same benefits they had in the past year at the same price that Includes Their Doc's when this does not exist for the following year

This they refuse to believe and talk to many agents hoping they will find what they are looking for, Some get so fed up they finally decide to go with supplement and found that in the past year there health has changed and do not qualify.
The HDF is a great option/alternative for places like tampa, miami etc in S florida. Still allows you to see any doctor, and keep MOOP lower than the med adv. Premiums down there for plan F easily go over 300/month, where the hdf is about 75/month
MA has "more" coverage than a med sup? really?? Where?

Ah...based on what i'm told by United, Humana, and other agents, MA in my area, the HMO network HERE is a better bang for the buck.

Where are you?

Ah...based on what i'm told by United, Humana, and other agents, MA in my area, the HMO network HERE is a better bang for the buck.

Where are you?


Those people are not telling you the truth.

Now value is subjective. But no where in the country do MA plans offer more coverage than a med sup.

You are talking a different subject now. Is the additional coverage of a med sup worth the extra premium?

In most cases I say it is. But that's not for me to decide. That's a decision for the insured.

I just had a lady take F over G. The difference in premium was $38/mo. or $456/yr. All for a $147 benefit.

She fully understood that she was paying $456 for $147 but liked the convenience of F anyway. Was that worth it? Not to me. But it is to her and she is the one paying.

I hope you are not out there selling either MA or med sups.

I heard those same lies too. I was recruited into the MA business several years ago and started out selling MA plans. Those recruiters told me all the same things. That MA plans were better than med sups and the wave of the future. Of course MA plans were far better then than they are now.

I learned the hard way that I had been misinformed. Hopefully you won't make the same mistake.