Wildfire Resilience Insurance project


1000 Post Club
A most fascinating project undertaken by the Nature Conservancy and Willis Towers Watson Titled WILDFIRE RESILIENCE INSURANCE: Quantifying the Risk Reduction of Ecological Forestry with Insurance can be found here.

It was "funded in part through an Innovative Finance in National Forests Grant (IFNF) from the United States Endowment for Forestry and Communities, with funding from the United States Forest Service (USFS).

If you have trouble opening it up try going through the USDA site. About halfway down their is a link.

For those of you that sell and service wildfire related properties in the West this makes for an interesting read at night before bed or when you are just interested.

"Viewed through a risk management lens, wildfire risk in California and throughout the western United States is becoming uninsurable....

In the case of insurance availability and pricing, for a giv‑ en exposure (e.g., an office building in a location within the Wildland-Urban Interface, WUI), the hazard is growing quickly, while the ability to increase the wildfire resilience of the building (i.e., reduce the level of damage endured for a given intensity of wildfire impact) is limited. If either the hazard becomes high enough, or vulnerability cannot be reduced sufficiently, insurance will be either increasingly unaffordable, or unobtainable."

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