Will Anyone Cover This


New Member
29 y/o female diagnosed with terminal muscle disease. What company can I write this through if any. Thanks
If she's terminal you're probably wasting your's and her time because if you write her GI and she dies in the first year-two years guess what... Charge back

And she will have to live past two years to get any kind of death benefit out of it.

Presidential/ MoO will take it. Apparently agents cannot write the MOO product. So you might want to check into that.
She's too young for Presidential. When you say "terminal muscle disease", is it diagnosed less than 24 months or just terminal? What is it?
Too young for MoO and Presidential. I don't remember the LH question well enough to know if they would take her on the modified plan.

Her best bet for the quickest coverage is with a pre need plan. What state is she in?
The state would be Florida Pre-Need or Funeral Trust are the way to go based on what I'm hearing?