How do I approach this?

I also work sales groups in texas....I have joined around 400 texas for sale and trade groups and post about 20 a day....takes 10 min's.....
@STIBROKER , thanks for getting back to the original topic of this post. Is there some kind of class/training I can take to master Facebook Ads and Google Ads/Adwords? Or is it pretty straightforward?
Is there some kind of class/training I can take to master Facebook Ads and Google Ads/Adwords? Or is it pretty straightforward?

I do not know Bro.....I have had a FB account since 2006....this is what I have come up on my own.....
@STIBROKER , thanks for getting back to the original topic of this post. Is there some kind of class/training I can take to master Facebook Ads and Google Ads/Adwords? Or is it pretty straightforward?

Before you go down that path, you're a captive agent with Mutual of Omaha. That means that every ad you place would have to be a "Mutual of Omaha" pre-approved ad. Anything you do beyond that... you might have issues with your agency compliance.

Now, to answer your question - just create a business page and check everything out. Lots of options to target your marketing message for the audience you define.

I actually attended a Facebook for Business marketing event a couple of years ago. Worth checking out.

Facebook Business
Ok, I'm going to try this again...

Consider joining a Facebook group where your target audience is. For example, joining a Facebook group for Real Estate agents in your local area is a solid choice. Why? Real Estate Agents can provide you with a lead during a closing.

Every home owner with a mortgage needs insurance. If you engage with the Real Estate group on Facebook, and add value, you CAN be the go to guy for insurance once they close on a home.

The key here is not to try to partner up immediately, or sell insurance once you're in the group. Add value first.

This strategy will work with loan officers, as well as other prospects you're targeting.