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I hear you. And just like that, I have more ideas. I think I might still have AIG, but if not i might reach out to you soon. My new P and C gal likes the Life side.... needs something quick before AEP to write. Not sure what I'm getting into mid month when we land at FMO. I know there's ELCO on the table, and a Womans Life product. Annuities which I know nothing about other than a bad product I sold 15 yrs ago (related to Franklin Templeton). Long and not good story there. Want to dig in while I have some down time in June, read up/gear up on the Pure Mich Beach west side of state. I know there is more opportunity to talk about with FMO with what i'm doing now, looks like major growth on the horizon (SNF/Assisted living)---new plan in pipeline specific to private payors.The devil's lettuce - many companies have adjusted their stance on rec use. Mostly it falls to usage per week or month and edibles v smoking. Smoking rates are killer. A lot depends on how much pops on the labs. Many of my deals are in the +- 60 yr olds so exams and labs are common. I have a couple of deals pending on 60 & 70 yr old gummie users that I am hoping for STD NT. There are a lot of old stoners out there. AIG for rec use has been good to me, especially at a $million plus. I am trying out PacLife also.
My FU Brokerage has an in-house underwriter that I'll run these past.
Kids - yeah, I have friends that are in your boat grandchild wise. Definitely changes your availability or lack of.
Sounds like you have gone through some heavy changes. Sorry.
My son is 30. After transplant he and I will be living in a small hotel style room for three to six months. On either the Stanford or VA campuses. We butt heads on a good day. It's going to be challenging.
I can not think of another business _I_ could do this in. I can start and stop as I choose. Only work a couple of hours a week if I choose. I don't sell, I'm more of a facilitator now. I don't think I will fully retire for a while. I would day drink to much. Or more.
Yes tons of changes. All challenging but I'm here for it. My 26 yr old went down hard 2021. He's stable now. Praying it stays that way, and adjusting to gdaughters dads death has been rocky, only in the sense of legal things---had to raise hell in certain courts--all thats officially over as of last Tuesday...was literally sealing up deals in court parking lot in between lawyer talks via docusign.
Ggirls thriving but a busy body and goes to ballet and martial arts 4 nights a week for a few years now. Coordinating it all definitely takes a team. And it helps keep me in shape and feeling young even though I'm not anymore.
Gummies!? lol my personal fave. Forgot about that...check...gonna have to get ready for that since so many do it now. My hubs prefers the one hitter.
No more day drinking for me, quit that long ago when I realized I break out in handcuffs, esp during election years. Still having fun despite
So so sorry to hear about your son. I never know why, but I know there's always a reason even if I have no idea wtf it is....sending love, light, hope and all the rest and best to you. Thanks for dropping more ideas.