Wins Recap for May!


Do you have something you'd like to share with the community that you accomplished this month?

It can be work or not related to work - it is completely up to you.

The goal here is to celebrate the victories folks in our community have! so no victory is too small!
Actually we did have quite a couple wins during May. In mid April I got a call from a customer who said her drug card wouldn’t work. After several calls I found out that she had been switched to a Humana MAPD. The effective date April 1. She has been a Medsup customer for years as was her late husband. She had no SEP of any kind. And in addition to that, how do you use OEP to enroll if you are on a MEDSUP.

Well I got on the phone with Medicare and it took a while but convinced Medicare that she had been slammed.

Final result she was reinstated in her original PDP effective June 1.

Also mid May got a call from another MEDSUP customer wanting help applying for reinstatement. HUH! Her husband on hospice with only weeks to go. She forgot about her premium. Now that’s her fault but we saw her three hours later and got her covered with a different company that day same plan lower premium.
Mundane activities that'll pay off in the long term....CEC, AML, Life contracts, Annuity training. Winning, simply bc those things all pay off and happy to get it done. Still not done with annuity training. Another agenda for June of possibly registering for RSSA (registered social security analyst)....doubt that will happen though still pondering....costly and not sure its necessary. Anyone ever do this in here? The RSSA?

Went over growth goals in a meeting. Broadened horizons. lol.

Getting pumped up for appointments set.

Slower month for MAPD, 8ish. Covid ended up in my gig at the nursing home. Slowed me down. I was a little lazy on the medicare prospecting.

Some weeks are just spent doing what's necessary to level up in near future.

As The Hamster Wheel Turns....
I gave away several small deals to other agents.

I got several larger deals as referrals.

What goes around, comes around.
Yeah dude. After doing this for a while, it becomes a small world. I've built up a good network and go out of my way to help everyone in that circle. Things are so busy I'm having to turn a lot of business away, largely because I have no need or interest in working much these days. Some of the referrals I've gotten that I am working on recently are pretty darn juicy.
Yeah dude. After doing this for a while, it becomes a small world. I've built up a good network and go out of my way to help everyone in that circle. Things are so busy I'm having to turn a lot of business away, largely because I have no need or interest in working much these days. Some of the referrals I've gotten that I am working on recently are pretty darn juicy.