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As Pelosi flat out stated, the insurance companies will wish that they had gone with the public option when Congress is done with them.
The goal is to make sure that there is bad news about insurance companies in front of the public each and every day and these investigations will provide plenty of fodder. Regardless of what happens with this current flap about reconliation there will be proposals before Congress for years to come and it helps the socialists to make sure that the public always thinks "pariah" when it hears the word insurance.
Note to libs: Not saying there are not a pantload of legitimate issues to look at. In fact if we had had a transparent reform process there would have been months of public hearings on issues.. But let us agree that the government is already running two of the largest public options on earth: Medicare and Medicaid and there would be plenty to look at there as well, eh?
Thank you again Anthem and thank you again Republicans for participating in a process of letting Obama have another turn at bat and putting on a dog and pony show. Now Obama just wants a simple up or down vote on the bill. Why the frig didnt the Republicans just let them have the up or down on the bill when he was down and invite Barry to participate in a summit after the vote to move forward. Total idiots, all of them. Yes, I know that reconciliation will still either not happen or be a disaster but there is fight for the moral high ground here and Obama has gained some of it back and will gain more of it back through these summits and witch-hunts. The goal is to go into the election with a david and goliath approach where poor Barry took on Washington and the special interests and suffered a setback and if you elect any republicans it will be more of the same. There is a mood among republicans that Obama is mired down now so everyone cant wait until the next election. I agree with the mired down part. I don't agree that he has nothing to work with in the upcoming elections. Republicans are always more than willing to do nothing and to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as they just did with this whole summit flap. Add six months of punishing investigations and bad news about insurance carriers and it wont help.
I would not have gone into that summit trap. Just would not have done it. You take the frigging bill down, or you have a vote on it up or down, and then you agree to a summit to talk about next steps. Instead they let Obama go into the elections using a one day meeting to crow about transparency, discussions on television as promised, and notice of the bill beforehand. I would not have given him that nor would I negotiate with them when the bill is on the floor. Obama wants a simple up or down vote. That is all I wanted too. The senate has passed the bill. It is pending before the house. Just pass it or not. I would recommend that the republicans stay out of it but it is too late for that now. The bill will not pass because there are not the dem votes to pass it. Obama has convinced the public that it is due to repub opposition and that is a good move on his part and the republicans are too stupid to not get caught in his web.
Congress Increases Pressure On Health Insurers | KPBS.org
The goal is to make sure that there is bad news about insurance companies in front of the public each and every day and these investigations will provide plenty of fodder. Regardless of what happens with this current flap about reconliation there will be proposals before Congress for years to come and it helps the socialists to make sure that the public always thinks "pariah" when it hears the word insurance.
Note to libs: Not saying there are not a pantload of legitimate issues to look at. In fact if we had had a transparent reform process there would have been months of public hearings on issues.. But let us agree that the government is already running two of the largest public options on earth: Medicare and Medicaid and there would be plenty to look at there as well, eh?
Thank you again Anthem and thank you again Republicans for participating in a process of letting Obama have another turn at bat and putting on a dog and pony show. Now Obama just wants a simple up or down vote on the bill. Why the frig didnt the Republicans just let them have the up or down on the bill when he was down and invite Barry to participate in a summit after the vote to move forward. Total idiots, all of them. Yes, I know that reconciliation will still either not happen or be a disaster but there is fight for the moral high ground here and Obama has gained some of it back and will gain more of it back through these summits and witch-hunts. The goal is to go into the election with a david and goliath approach where poor Barry took on Washington and the special interests and suffered a setback and if you elect any republicans it will be more of the same. There is a mood among republicans that Obama is mired down now so everyone cant wait until the next election. I agree with the mired down part. I don't agree that he has nothing to work with in the upcoming elections. Republicans are always more than willing to do nothing and to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as they just did with this whole summit flap. Add six months of punishing investigations and bad news about insurance carriers and it wont help.
I would not have gone into that summit trap. Just would not have done it. You take the frigging bill down, or you have a vote on it up or down, and then you agree to a summit to talk about next steps. Instead they let Obama go into the elections using a one day meeting to crow about transparency, discussions on television as promised, and notice of the bill beforehand. I would not have given him that nor would I negotiate with them when the bill is on the floor. Obama wants a simple up or down vote. That is all I wanted too. The senate has passed the bill. It is pending before the house. Just pass it or not. I would recommend that the republicans stay out of it but it is too late for that now. The bill will not pass because there are not the dem votes to pass it. Obama has convinced the public that it is due to repub opposition and that is a good move on his part and the republicans are too stupid to not get caught in his web.
Congress Increases Pressure On Health Insurers | KPBS.org
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