Working for Change in Health Care


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Why is now the time to work for change?

Because we have a new president and new hope for a better America.

Because we need change like never before, on everything from the economy to climate change and more.

And because we know that the challenges we face, from ending our dependence on oil to winning the battle for equal rights, are huge—and the politicians and powerful interests who stupidly and stubbornly resist change aren't calling it quits anytime soon.

America's leading advocacy groups are gearing up to meet these challenges this summer. In order to win, they need citizen support and grassroots action. That's where we come in.

At the Fund for the Public Interest, we've been organizing campaigns to protect the environment, stand up for the public interest, and defend human rights for more than 25 years. We've helped cut global warming pollution with Environment America. And working with the Human Rights Campaign, we helped organize the grassroots opposition needed to defeat the discriminatory Federal Marriage Amendment.
Your chance to make change happen.

We need people like you—lots of people like you—to go out in communities around the country this summer and help make change happen. And you can earn money doing it. Earn $4,000-$6,000 this summer.
Notice there are no campaigns in Indiana. That's because we have brains and see through the BS.

(or we're just not worth the trouble.....:no:)
But isn't that a catch-22 as businesses continue to fold and lay people off resulting in no health care? Also when the economy is down less companies offer health care and more and more simply do away with is upon renewal. The ones that offer it push more of the financial cost onto the employees.

I disagree - this is the exact time for change.
Time for tax-favored individual insurance to become the preferred method of coverage.

Credit for HDHP premium, deduction for HSA contributions.

Mandated HDHP coverage (minimum deductible adjusted for income), guaranteed issue.
Requiring employers to provide health insurance or pay a fine is what amounts to a hidden tax. The employer who did not provide health insurance before either lays off workers or raises prices.

Either way it is a tax imposed by Washington that appears invisible to the dumb masses.
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Just found another 1800+ pages of markups.

Haven't had time to read them yet .. .
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