Would You Accept this Offer? Newbie

Understanding the business comes with experience, its not something that the test or study materials will teach you.

The tests are absolutely disjointed from the real practice, so I do agree with you. However, if there were a short course to help agents get started, what would you think would be helpful?

I ask because I recently found out that my local university is supposedly a leader in "Risk Management" within their business major course and claims they are effectively teaching undergraduates the things that would give them a head start in agency life....I have yet to see or believe it, but I'm happy to be surprised.

Any ideas on a short course (video, audio, lecture, internship) that would be helpful for agents? (even if it didn't exist yet) There must be a better way than the grind many of us put in when joining the industry and learned it one cold-call at a time right?

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