You're travelling through another dimension. A dimension, not only of sign and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. Next stop, The Obama Zone . . .
A fellow agent asked me what to do in this situation. (His comments from an email).
So much for universal health insurance.
No longer qualifies for one taxpayer funded plan (Medicaid). Loses that and can't qualify for another (Obamapool).
Is this a great country or what?
A fellow agent asked me what to do in this situation. (His comments from an email).
A young family, mom and kids have been on Medicaid for 2 years. Dad's work finally picked up (self-employed), now she's no longer eligible. BUT: a while back her cheeks swelled up, and she's had trouble finding an ENT doc who accepts Medicaid.
Anyway, finally found one - ONE! - who was unable to diagnose, could only rule out cancer. Now back to square one. So she calls Cleveland Clinic. They can probably help, but the initial consult would wipe out their savings. What kind of insurance can she buy, she wonders. We meet, and my thinking is that the underwriter's not going to be impressed with "don't know" on the pre-screen. But that's what we've got. Her Medicaid ended 8/1/10, so no Pool for her (maybe).
So she can't find a doc when she IS covered under Medicaid (aka ObamaCare, the Prequel), and can't get insurance now (ObamaPool) because she WAS "covered" until a few weeks ago.
So much for universal health insurance.
No longer qualifies for one taxpayer funded plan (Medicaid). Loses that and can't qualify for another (Obamapool).
Is this a great country or what?