Your Insurance Office File Wanted - .ybk


5000 Post Club
Our very own Senior-Advisor-Indiana (or Mike he goes by these days) wants some help figuring out how to work with the .ybk file, but is to shy to send me his. It is the file that stores all backup data for your software so it is in effect your client list. If anyone has installed a demo of it and wants to put in a few dummy names and email a copy of it to [email protected] it would make Mike very happy.
Our very own Senior-Advisor-Indiana (or Mike he goes by these days) wants some help figuring out how to work with the .ybk file, but is to shy to send me his. It is the file that stores all backup data for your software so it is in effect your client list. If anyone has installed a demo of it and wants to put in a few dummy names and email a copy of it to [email protected] it would make Mike very happy.

Thank you Josh. I knew I could count on you to get me the answer. :swoon:
Maybe he should change his name to 'senior-mike-shy-advisor-indiana'.
Or, for simplicity's sake, 'Anderson-Cooper's-Lover'.