10 year SOA rule


1000 Post Club
Does anyone know what all should be kept from a deceased client’s file and for how long? I know the Scope of appointment is to be kept for 10 years but what does everyone else do with all the applications, etc that have built up over the years? I’m moving offices and have always just filed them in a seperate place so I have 5 boxes full of client files that are deceased. I’m talking mainly Medicare insurance and some annuities and final expense apps. Thanks for any help.
If you are serious I’m headed to my cabin this weekend and plan on having campfire anyway. So just pick out all the SOA’s and can the rest? That would be a great way to clean house.

The only thing you MIGHT keep the files for (after all claims have been settled) is for beneficiary information if it has it or if you want to do anything with that info. Otherwise, burn baby burn!
The only thing you MIGHT keep the files for (after all claims have been settled) is for beneficiary information if it has it or if you want to do anything with that info. Otherwise, burn baby burn!

Awesome, I already went through and separated all the SOA's and went from 5 boxes to 1 large file folder.
The chances of getting a complaint after 3 yrs is about 1/1000 th of a % . By after the 3rd yr 60% of your book will have been moved by you or another agent as plans changing yearly
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