12 Standardized Plans

Vouchers are not checks.

I understand.

But vouchers are just another step that is not needed. Public health clinics charge on a sliding scale. This can work just as well.

Next question is what do we do if they say only use a fraction of that year's coverage?

HR 3200 requires everyone to have coverage, or pay a fine. If they decide to drop coverage without replacing, they are fined by the IRS.

Medicaid is creditable coverage. So is Medicare. If they leave Medicaid and go somewhere else they can do so without missing a beat.

The uninsurables will most likely stay on Medicare until they assume room temp.
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I think I have that guy on a HIPAA plan

Would that be . . . Forest Gimp?

Sorry, couldn't pass it up.
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I really don't have a problem with a public option, but it needs to be VERY VERY VERY basic. From that point, people would have the option to buy add-ons and riders privately to increase their coverage or just have a private plan in general. If a company wants to use the public option as a base (and pay a fee to do so) and then add some riders, etc., to make a good compensation plan for employees, then fine.

The point being that I do think we need to have uninsurables covered and that people shouldn't have to stay at a dead end job because of insurance (and employers shouldn't feel guilty about firing an employee that they think might be uninsurable.) However, we owe it to ourselves to limit how much this is going to cost tax payers.
I really don't have a problem with a public option

OK, let's see.

Medicare has been in business a little over 40 years. It has lost money for each of the last 40 and currently is paying out $2 in benefits for every $1 in taxes designated for Medicare.

Every year Medicare raises premiums & deductibles to the beneficiaries and every year they try to pay the providers less than the year before.

How can a private insurance carrier compete with that?

More importantly, at what point do we tell the folks in Congress to stop spending like a drunken sailor?

I do think we need to have uninsurables covered

There are options already for uninsurables.