18-49 Death Rate Spike Not Related to COVID-19

All this is alt-right nonsense. Put your foil hat and fly off some where. :arghh:

I'm confused, does alt-right mean your really, really right, like ultra-right, as opposed to ultra-wrong... or, does it mean your alt-right vs. being alt-left? I mean, being a lefty trying to use a right handed skill saw can be really difficult. And anyway, what does skill saws have to do with politics? :wacko:

Sounds stupid doesn't it... sorta like the song and dance we are all getting.

I'm not amused. :skeptical:




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Why, because, somewhere someone cried "Fire" in the theater and now have to cover their tracks.
Actually the opposite is true. There was a fire raging away in the theatre, but the manager told the audience it was fake news, a hoax that would self-extinguish within two weeks....miraculously. He then mumbled something about a light...inside the body.
it is a passive reporting system to help detect unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.
Actually it is a bathroom wall of unverified personal opinions which should be viewed with caution as it has become a favorite hangout for anti-vaxers. In fact, the CDC posts that very caveat on the site.....if you choose to read it.
Actually it is a bathroom wall of unverified personal opinions which should be viewed with caution as it has become a favorite hangout for anti-vaxers. In fact, the CDC posts that very caveat on the site.....if you choose to read it.

I read the page for those who want to report an adverse effect for ANY VACCINE, not just Covid-19 "vaccines". The VAERS home page and reporting adverse effects page is on the hhs.gov site, not the cdc's, so I didn't see what you stated, anywhere on the cdc website unless you are referring to the VAERS Limitations section stating, "Most reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they may be subject to biases. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.

Thankfully, it shouldn't matter much, because on that same page, it reads, "When VAERS staff members follow-up on a report of a serious adverse event, they ask for the patient's medical records related to the event to learn more about what happened."

Also, on the VAERS site and the reporting application, it says, "Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment."

So, this isn't a perfect way of gathering data about any vaccine adverse event, Yet, VAERS staff WILL Follow-Up with those who have made claims about a serious adverse event and ask for medical records of that patient. This also helps give more credibility to the data since "bad intentioned" case reports can be deleted and at the same time refer them to the DOJ since it is a federal offense.

Print Screen VAERS Reporting.png

I'm not going to get into a pi**ing contest. There are a lot of other insurance professionals who will come here and read this and at least be aware of other info that is co-managed by the CDC & FDA which has hardly been referenced by 95% of the media, and come to their own conclusions or continue seeking the truth about this dark episode in light of this info and other info out there or still to come.
"Knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment."
Were that the case, there would be no need for a caveat about using a grain of salt when reading the data. And no, they don't follow up with a doctor unless they notice believable commonalties from multiple reports. Furthermore, they state reports are filed using personal bias. If a mom thinks her child's sore knee is from a vaccine, whether she is right or wrong comes down to her personal opinion. Therefore, these reports can not be deemed either true or false, because people are free to express unscientific opinions.
How so? I know what the increase is. Now read along slowly, my point was this *** claimed it was doubled by Biden to pay for an Alzheimer's drug. That's something straight from the extremists. You know, site like the alt-right one talked about here.

So no, she was not more informed than I was. Context is your friend. But context is also the enemy of hyperbole.

CBS is your idea of alt-right? Did you actually read the article? Here. Let me help with the pertinent part: "Medicare officials told reporters on Friday that about half the increase is due to contingency planning if the program ultimately has to cover Aduhelm, the new $56,000-a-year medication for Alzheimer's disease from pharmaceutical company Biogen."
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I can't question your reading comprehension skills as, I doubt you read the article. It said "The Epoch Times" is rated by 64% as center and 20% as leans right.

I get it that the extremists don't want to be labeled as extremists.

But it is what it is.

But I'll get out of y'alls political posturing.

Carry on!!

I get it that the extremists don't want to be labeled as extremists.

But it is what it is.

But I'll get out of y'alls political posturing.

Carry on!!
Wait a minute..JD, Rouse and Scagent on the same thread again. I missed you guys. I hope you all are doing well