1990 Pages Hits the Floor of the House

Chumps an exhange could amount to not much more than another e health. The issue is the requirement to buy specifically from such exchange.
That would be fantastic if you don't have to buy from the exchange. What are the chances of that happening?

Probably fairly good in the long run. The requirement will end out being that all the creditable plans that are approved for government credits, subsididy, kickback whatever must be on the exchange but you can get them elsewhere too. That would be my guess. The government wants to provide one place you can go for one stop shopping and be sure that you are getting a "good" plan. If you want that high-deuctible plan you wont see it on the exchange and you wont want it in the end anyway because it wont qualify for credits and with with credits you could have gotten a more comprehensive plan.

Also by setting the requirements for being on the exchange the government controls the structures of plans all while giving the illusion of not having taken over the industry. This is what socialists do.

Of course, the public option and its accoutrements were flat on their backs a couple weeks ago. Now they are up in the saddle again this week so everyone is trying to figure out what life in Cuba is going to look like. However, the reform bills are about to get blown out of the saddle or take enemy fire bigtime so dont worry just yet about what the commission is and is not going to be on the Cuban Premier Plan.

In the end a major bill will fall apart and they will regroup and start passing things piecemeal that they can get passed. Or else the major bill will just be a bunch of fluff, goals, and benchmarks, and Congress will be left to implement whatever they can get through enabling legislation on . In other words, the Obama Intergalactic Comprehensive Health Reform Bill gets approved except Congress still needs to settle the issues of public option, funding, abortion, illegals, state opt out, etc. Comes out the same. What a mess.
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This entire health bill process reminds me of making sausage: Throw all the s**t scrap parts into the grinder and see what fatty, grisle filled link comes out the other end.
I have no doubt... not one doubt at all... that if the Congress came up with a bill that paid you health agents 25% FYC with a 12% renewal for 5 years, that you would be jumping up and down cheering, yelling, and screaming your approval.

Adding another massive government entitlement when the government can't pay for what it already promised is simply horrible financial managment. Being paid 25% commission versus 5% in a hyper inflation environment doesn't make much of a difference to the agent. This is bigger than commissions, it is the path leading to the end of our country's prosperity as we go further down the socialism road.
When I read the posts of the arch-con agents in this board... and all the gas-bag Libertarians who rant and rave about "socialism, socialism, socialism" I smile because I know (and I think most people are beginning to realize now that all they hear from the Reps is "no, no, no" without an alternative,) that this is just about greed. I have no doubt... not one doubt at all... that if the Congress came up with a bill that paid you health agents 25% FYC with a 12% renewal for 5 years, that you would be jumping up and down cheering, yelling, and screaming your approval.

I doubt it.... what happens in year 6? We want the details and the facts.

Greed is good. It makes the world go around, and heck, at least you know where a person is coming from... unless it's political greed, which is what most of the health reform bill is about. That type of greed is pretty useless.

I'll fire off a statement that has somewhat been my position all along..... and if someone blast me.. whoopie dodo.... and at least half of you people agree with me... deep down inside.

I am, and always be a conservetive, however first and formost I am a capitilist, I work hard for the good of my clients and I do that for one reason... for me to make money. We all have massive duties to our families to provide food and other goodies that fit into our lifestyle. Now, do I chase the highest commission, NOPE, but I feel I am in an industry that pays well for all I do. I am just a profesional business man and if I was not an insurance broker I would do something else I suppose... but I spent almost 17 years building this damn thing so I get a little touchy when some one trys and steal it from me.

I write the best product I can find for every prospect and that will never change, however I have a policy in my office that I will not write the Texas risk pool on anyone that does not have a healthy person going on a traditional indy policy. I just wont do it for $50 bucks. I flat turn them away and say not worth the time and legal liability.

Now, why do I say all this.... The political side of me feels a govt plan is a stelth takeover of health care to the degree of a single payer system... NO GOODIE... but the capitilist in me and I use that term on the basis of me being sucessfull... I could care less if a public option govt controled system is in place, as long as I am feeding my family....

Until such point as I know the door is closed on the commission side of things for me to remain in the financial position I am at present I will take a wait and see prespective.

Now, from the political/reality side of things I have been in the political arena long enough to know this could get ugly for us very quickly.

Simple point, If I can make money and be profitiable and the govt option is what Im selling... I could care less