1990 Pages Hits the Floor of the House

I love making a lot of money. I'm not sure how I'd help others if I didn't. You can't help someone out of a hole by jumping in with him.

President Redistribution is about to make his fourth visit to N.J to help democrat Corzine win. So far, Corzine has spent 24 million of his own money to win. Corzine got that money by raping and pillaging while head of Goldman Sachs and by owning government regulators.

Nice to know the administration is out there looking out for the little guy and putting an end to the evils of capitalism.

Also, heard today that the White House visitation log shows that George Soros has been at the White House four times in the last six months.

I have many issues with this "reform" which may summed up in these 3 points;

1) no legislation before has ever required 2000 pages to write,

2) a $250,000 fine and 5 years in prison for non-compliance, and

3) congress members are exempt
Congress is always exempt from legislation. They don't have to fund anything, including their pensions. They lose money yet vote themselves a pay raise. They spend our money in ways not defined by the Constitution.

They are above the law.
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Oh yeah.

And they vote to approve tax cheaters to hold positions in the Cabinet.
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Can I switch gears gentlemen? My ADD prohibits me from reading this drivel especially until the final draft has hit BA's desk...my question, in case somebody knows the answer, is how does the mandate aspect of being "forced" to obtain health insurance, much in the same way Massachusetts residents are being forced, affect the 1099 or commission only employee? I am not sure how it works for them in Massachusetts, and didn't really care, but if this actually does become law are insurance and/or real estate agents, et al., going to get income taxes dinged for not carrying health insurance? That would be criminal if so.