220 Apps in Six Months

You are right on target!!!!

You can't really mess up with FE ... it is so simple.

It comes down to what they can afford and how much insurance they want.

If they want 25k but can't afford the payment, you sell them a 10k ... everyone is happy ... or you sell them a 25k term that converts to whole life later ... you work with their budget.

No one is really going to get that screwed if you are new and don't sell the best policy.

True, you could have done better, but there isn't going to be a financial disaster.

The main rules you have to play by as an FE agent is:

1. Be truthful about their health conditions on the application.
2. Reveal whether they are a smoker or not (don't try to lie about it to get them a better price).
3. Tell them if you are putting them on a modified or graded policy. Many agents in South Texas sell seniors policies that have a two year modified benefit (meaning there is basically no coverage for the first two years) without telling the client.

Other than these three things, you just do your best. You will learn as you go as to which products are the best for each client. I personally like 10pays and 20pays ... this is a great sales tool that even if it's a little higher premium than another companies, you have given them a good product which most FE agents don't sell. You've done them a favor. These are exciting products to sell seniors who've only heard of Level Pay policies ... it's a GREAT SALES TOOL!!!! It sells itself.

That's my 2cents
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I'm sure this an under-served market as parents pass away and their kids are stuck with the bill....if their kids are capable of handling the bill.

The largest issue I see is dad just passed away and money is needed...well, now. So now you have siblings, while grieving, arguing about who's gonna front 10K.

The typical situation is one of the kids is better off financially and has to suck it up - then comes the real argument come inheritance time.

I have seen the death of a parent completely destroy relationships among the children three times - all very close to me and it was very tough to watch.

My parents (78 and 77) are so freaked about this issue they have money for FE set aside in cash - they don't trust their carrier to cut the check in a timely manner.
This is a quality that is too often overlooked by those seeking advice on how to be successful.

Do what is right for the client, regardless of whether it puts a dime in your pocket or not. You not only sleep better at night but those kind of actions do not go unnoticed and will come back in the form of referrals over and over again.

When you are starting out and trying to pay the bills, it is sometimes difficult to walk away without making a sale. I know. I have been there myself.

How you treat clients is the difference in a professional and just another peddler.

Congratulations on your success!

Yeah, by nature, I'm not a salesman and I don't have it in me to sell someone a bad product.

I will straight out tell you if you don't need the insurance or if you do, I will show you a better product.

Like yesterday, a couple already had a Med Sup and I looked at it and the price they were paying ... they wanted to switch. So I began asking why?? What's wrong with this company?? They basically couldn't tell me so i told them that they are fine and that they don't need to switch. I said I can offer you the same thing for a little less money but it's not going to save you a whole lot. You are already familiar with this company, so just stay with them.

They were stoked that I said that ... So I went on and advised them about some of their other insurance ... I asked to see their life policies and, by God, I saw that there policy ended in 5 years and I asked if they knew that ... "They looked at me confused and said "NO??"

to make a long story short, I was able to replace their policy with a better insurance company and a much better product, for about the same premium they were already paying.

I was their hero ....

This happens all the time.

When you go in with their best interest in mind and not worried about making a sale, you will often get a sale ... they sense it and they appreciate it.

It's called being personable ... their friend ... their well wisher ...

You know .. they know little about insurance and most people don't trust insurance agents so you have to be different ... and you will do GREAT!

In fact, I don't care if I make the sale ... if the sale is there to be made, it will happen ... just let it be, let it be .. :)
No it don't. When I first "focused" on medicare supplements it was October of that year. I developed knowledge by study of all that was available. In December of that year I got a call from a certain FMO that I qualified for a cruise due to production. 80+ supps in less than 70 days. I was a N00b. Knowledge. Personality. Character. Energy.

I'll never do anything unless I'm 100% sure it is right for all concerned. I love people. I take care of my character so my reputation takes care of itself. I can and do work 12-15 hours per day when needed.

Research is for lazy people not ready to "work".

Intensity... that's all it takes.

Myself I use...


That's right...PECKER
FYI: it's only 9 apps a week to achieve 220 policies in 6 months ... that is not hard to achieve. Not at all ... you just need a lead flow.

Personally, i use dialers, telemarketing and mailers ... that way, I always have those leads!!!
Very Impressive.

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Medicare Supplements

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National Medicare Supplements

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Get answers about medigap plans in your state

FYI: it's only 9 apps a week to achieve 220 policies in 6 months ... that is not hard to achieve. Not at all ... you just need a lead flow.

Personally, i use dialers, telemarketing and mailers ... that way, I always have those leads!!!
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