300 Financial

If you have something of substamce to say,say it. Do't just say do more research. Is it that you have nothing of substance to add or are your opinions lacking actual facts.
If you have something of substamce to say,say it. Do't just say do more research. Is it that you have nothing of substance to add or are your opinions lacking actual facts.

Why are you so defensive?

You stated:

" It seems that in our research of companies to work for we tend to look for the bad or sometimes confuse one company with another when there is a common word like Brokers in each."

You start your post by saying that you are currently studying to get you MBA in finance. Does this make you and expert? No, In fact it means that you are quite ignorant on the subject.

(Look up the definition of ignorant before you get offended.)

You say you are studying about the different companies; where as I have actually worked with the different companies; big difference.

I have spent numerous years practicing my trade, and as a result know a great deal about the company you are referencing. You have yet to ask me, or any other, about our experience with the company. You just automatically take the defensive and start attacking. Remember some companies are not worth defending. I hope this helps.
If you have something of substamce to say,say it. Do't just say do more research. Is it that you have nothing of substance to add or are your opinions lacking actual facts.

Here's one for you - read the thread on GTBK Marketing and tell us what the intersections are. If you don't know, then you really don't know.
I'd be curious to hear what the contributors here believe are the best FMOs for an Independent agent.
I'd be curious to hear what the contributors here believe are the best FMOs for an Independent agent.

The one that hasn't yet been created.

Seriously, they all have flaws. Unfortunately, there are more than a few that are hopelessly flawed. About the best you can do is read all the threads here and then start talking to marketing people at the FMO/IMOs that seem to have the fewest flaws (flaws that you can see at first). If you have been in the business for any time, you will pick up on a few things when you actually talk to some of these people. Red flags will start popping up all over the place. I've never seen an industry that was as inbred as the FMOs. In my state the legal terms for the result is "incestuous bastard."

Do the research first. You will be able to call xyz FMO and say "I see that your president Joe Blow used to be with zyx FMO. Is there still any connection?" or, "I see that you are owned by xxx insurance company. Why isn't that disclosed on your Website and why haven't you brought that up?"

You can have lots of fun with this stuff (in a very sad sort of way). In any event, there are some people here that are more or less happy with their current FMO. Put as much faith in that as asking in this Forum "Who has the best cell phone service?" People have current favorites, but that tends to change from week to week. If you dig deep, you will find people here that you can figure from their posts know what they are talking about. Weed out the posts that are probably shills for a particular FMO. If you find some common ground for praising a few FMOs, then start with the premise that maybe they are not as flawed as most in the industry.

I hope this helps.
Mr. Gay,

If you attack me personally then I have every right to be defensive.
Attacking the person rather then his argument is the refuge of a weak mind.

You still have not stated suucinctly what you object to regarding 300 Financial. You state your experience. I have been in the insurance field since 1987. That doesn't mean my argument is sound. Try to focus and tell me what is wrong with 300 Financial. I wouldn't confuse opinion with fact if I were you. You seem to do that regarding me so try to resist confusing the two regarding 300 financial. Lastly since you are so experienced you will understand that there are laws to protect people from being defamed. You say you have worked for the actual companues. Did that include 300 Financial? This would be helpful to know. What did the company do that makes them unacceptable to you.Did you actually work with 300 Financial or are you saying all these companies look alike to you. facts please.
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Mr Bill,

I will check out the post GTBK marketing. That is a good example of what I meant by substance. Perhaps you could tell me what you feel the intersections are?
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The one that hasn't yet been created.


... In any event, there are some people here that are more or less happy with their current FMO. Put as much faith in that as asking in this Forum "Who has the best cell phone service?" People have current favorites, but that tends to change from week to week. If you dig deep, you will find people here that you can figure from their posts know what they are talking about. Weed out the posts that are probably shills for a particular FMO. If you find some common ground for praising a few FMOs, then start with the premise that maybe they are not as flawed as most in the industry.

I hope this helps.

Thanks. All good advice. I would be interested in hearing what the current faves are among some of the regulars on this board.
Mr. Gay,

If you attack me personally then I have every right to be defensive.
Attacking the person rather then his argument is the refuge of a weak mind.

You still have not stated suucinctly what you object to regarding 300 Financial. You state your experience. I have been in the insurance field since 1987. That doesn't mean my argument is sound. Try to focus and tell me what is wrong with 300 Financial. I wouldn't confuse opinion with fact if I were you. You seem to do that regarding me so try to resist confusing the two regarding 300 financial. Lastly since you are so experienced you will understand that there are laws to protect people from being defamed. You say you have worked for the actual companues. Did that include 300 Financial? This would be helpful to know. What did the company do that makes them unacceptable to you.Did you actually work with 300 Financial or are you saying all these companies look alike to you. facts please.

Whenever you ask one for their experience; it is in fact an opinion. Many people drive the same car; yet have different experiences. Does that mean the person who did not have a good experience is liable for defamation to that company because they gave their opinion; I think not! Good try though.

I have spoken to Mr. Dew several times, and I think he has an interesting model. He is obviously an intelligent individual, but his marketing ideas mirror those of "Piece of the Pie" marketing. You can do your own research on that; as my opinion means nothing.

The real agenda is building the 300 model so that it can be sold off. I mean issuing Phantom stock (SAR) is an interesting approach to developing "ownership", but still nothing is owned until it is sold. They would then divide the sale price in half. 50% to the top executives and the remainder 50% to the 300 members.

In using the numbers that were given to me, and that can be obtained by anyone who visits their site I will give you this example. If the firm was sold for $1,000,000.000.00; $500,000,000.00 would be divided amongst the 300 advisors, netting them roughly $1,670,000.00 each. This is treated as deferred compensation so it is taxed as ordinary income. If you have developed a book of business worth $500,000.00 a year in income and you receive the aforementioned amount; would this make you happy? Not me! Some good questions to ask would be:

"What will happen to my book of business; when 300 Financial is sold off?"

"What if I am not ready to retire?"

These are a couple of questions that I asked several times, and I never received a direct response.

I never attacked you; but given that your source of experience was that of obtaining you MBA in financial planning is not credible. You can not learn to ride a bike by reading about it. Being in the insurance business since '87 gives more credibility in my opinion. How do we know that you are not Mr. Dew himself; or another top executive?

Maybe you will consider this to have substance.
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Mr Bill,

I will check out the post GTBK marketing. That is a good example of what I meant by substance. Perhaps you could tell me what you feel the intersections are?

I know what the intersections are. You said you have been doing the research, therefore, if your research is complete, you will know.