300 Financial

Just curious if anyone has used 300 or Brokers International since this thread was started? I sat in on a call the other day and it seemed pretty good.
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Im confused guys ...should i join 300 financial or not, i was present at the 3 hour teleconference and was convinced, now im nervous and sceptical
They have lots of marketing ideas, some of them worthwhile.

Their current FMO is Brokers International. 300 gets a part of the override.

Worst-case scenario is you don't like them, so you move your contracts to another FMO. But BI pays street, so.....

The thing I dislike about BI is they assign their marketers to carriers, so two people can talk to you about Allianz, another two about Aviva, and so on.

If one of them is on vacation and the other one is out sick, there is no one to answer your question unless you call the carrier and talk to their sales staff (my personal preference).

What irks me most about the org chart is that their marketers are unable to tell you who has the best bonus, or cap, or ltc rider, or income account, or.... you get the idea.

If I recall, 300 requires you to have 3 carriers with BI, and they don't want you to write around them. I suggest you keep a back-up carrier or two uncontracted or with another FMO in case you decide you are unhappy and BI pulls some BS.

All 300 will do to you is take back their phantom stock and kick you off their conference calls and website.

If you join, don't let them think you are holding back or writing around them. But as long as you place $600k annually, everything will be peachy.
I am a student in the MBA program in financial planning at California Lutheran University. I have been researching 300 Financial as well as several other financial marketing organixzations. There is a 86 page discription of how 300 financial compares to other financial services organizations. I think if you read it you will come away very impressed with Jim Dew's business model. I too attended his intro webinar and found his understanding of marketing and what the client wants quite impressive. Plus I have sent follow-up questions to him and he responded to each. I would reccomend you email him yourself. His approach to diversifying between FIA and AUM is quit sound. The AUM side is handled by EQIS. I checked out their background and approach to investing using ETF and found the staff and strategy good. The marketing tips Jim Dew gives for free to potential planners wishing to join him are not mere fluff but effective tools to help your practice. His method for moving client money in a few days rather than months is pure genius. I am familar with Brokers International, of Panora Iowa, which was founded by Roger McCcarty in the late 50s. It is one of the largest IMOs in the country and was one of the first to market AVIVA. They are a whoelsaler and provode the annuity product for 300 Financial. I have not seen any hint of impropriety from either Brokers International or 300 Financial. It seems that in our research of companies to work for we tend to look for the bad or sometimes confuse one company with another when there is a common word like Brokers in each. Like I said at the beginning I looked at a half dozen IMOS and found a number to be annuity only shops whereas 300 financial approachs both the insurance and financial camps. No, I haven't joined them but they are at the top of my list.

Seriously, do much more research. Too many home spun, nepotistic, narrow focused FMO, NMO and IMO exist already. Typically they employ low cost, uneducated staff who are one trick pony marketers, that play to Hickville USA, agents and clients. Go to the FMO's home office (International?) and see if you'd feel comfortable taking your clients to visit.

You wll get numerous emails from both Brokers International and 300, as if the left hand knows not what the other hand is doing. And literally, they don't. Each department does a decent job but they lack severely in intergration of product areas and especially products between carriers. The folksy folks at the International outfit in metropolitan locale of Panorama, Iowa... are very adept at socializing and entertaining but much of that is form and not really much function/substance. If you are not into heavy drinking and partying, you may not enjoy the BI experience as much. Beyond the personal preference of more professionalism and less hedonism, everything else is pretty much SOS. Nothing outstanding, nothing hindering nor enhancing, just very average. Sum it all up as an IMO, nice place to visit for a weekend, wouldn't want to be stuck there...

Choose wisely.
If someone wanted to take about six months to completely research what companies are in bed with what other companies, and what people are involved or formerly involved with those companies, I bet you could write a 600 page book.

Independent Brokerage likes Aviva, and just happens to have it's home office in Topeka. Multichoice Marketing says it has exclusive deals with Aviva. Allianz has purchased several FMOs. Fairlane Financial spends most of its time talking about Forethought products. I could go on all day.

I would like to at least see a program like you get at football games that spells out who is actually playing for whom.

Bottom line is that we all need to be fully aware of what we are getting into. That is actually why I came to this site in the first place: to check out some FMOs.

You mean to tell me your not benefiting from the exclusive annuity group here on the Forums ? :D