45,000 American Deaths Associated with Lack of Ins

I have all kinds of medical insurance, but I have yet to use up even a fraction of my deductible and I have never taken advantage of any wellness provisions.

So, if I die tomorrow is it because I did not have insurance?

No, you would be one of the 2.4 million who died because they had insurance.

Sounds like your chances of dying are greater if you have health insurance.
Statistically, I can guarantee that you will live forever.

Example (from memory):

Chances of dying within one hour of arising in the morning compared to any other time of the day: 30%

Chances of dying in a hospital instead of at home or some other place: 70%

So, it follows that if you never get out of bed and if you never go to a hospital, you will live forever. Its the same basic logic as claiming 45,000 people died from lack of insurance.