800 number


1000 Post Club
I noticed the thread on Ring Central. I am contemplating getting and 800 number and I wondered for those that use one how many minutes they are normally using.
I have had mine for 3 months and havent only used like 7 minutes. I just got it changed to ring to my cell phone. Pioneer Telephone only charges me $0.99 per month and like 3.6 cents a minute. The best part about the 3.6 cents is that it is biled in 6 second increments.
The answer is not many minutes, but the minutes used are important. I just started to take advantage of all the Ring Central features. They offer 5 free extentions - "Press 1 for tips on saving money, etc..."

Over the years I've put out thousands of ad pieces with my website and direct number. I've always had a good return on web hits but hardly any phone calls. No mystery to the fact that most people don't want to talk to an insurance agent.

Now my ad pieces have my toll free number with "for a recorded message" and "option to speak to an agent between 8am to 8pm." It works. I've received more calls in the past 2 weeks then over the past 3 years.

The "on the fence people" call to listen to a variety of short messages - all designed, of course, to get them to press 4 to connect to me. Fantastic results.
I noticed the thread on Ring Central. I am contemplating getting and 800 number and I wondered for those that use one how many minutes they are normally using.

I use MCI for my toll-free number. I pay $.06 per minute and I have voice mail with that number as opposed to having the call go to an answering machine.

My monthly bill runs anywhere between $40.00 to $60.00.

The more that number costs me per month the happier I am. It means that I have talked to a lot of people who have called me asking about either insurance or YIO.

It is a valuable tool to help me make money, not just another expense I have to pay each month.

I can't imagine anyone being in any kind of business not having a toll-free number today.

I have talked to a whole lot of agents who look at things like a toll-free phone number as simply an expense, not a necessary tool that is going to help increase their income. That includes using a computer program to become organized. ;)

The old saying, "One has to spend money to make money" is so totally true. Never be concerned about investing in your business. You will be amazed at the rewards you receive.

It's the agents who don't invest in their business who never reach their full potential.
Now my ad pieces have my toll free number with "for a recorded message" and "option to speak to an agent between 8am to 8pm." It works. I've received more calls in the past 2 weeks then over the past 3 years.

That is a fantastic idea. You are correct, no one wants to talk to an insurance agent. However, they now have an opportunity to get valuable information from a real insurance agent and can do it in a non threatening way.

They also get the opportunity to hear your voice which will make them feel as though they are "getting to know you" so when they do talk to you, you will be less of a stranger to them.

That is real creative marketing and another successful way to get "real leads" as opposed to a card you pay for that simply has the persons name, address and phone number.
It gives you a chance to win them over and gives them valuable information you could never put in print on an ad piece. I'm closing 1 out of 3 people who listen to my messages then transfer to me.
It gives you a chance to win them over and gives them valuable information you could never put in print on an ad piece. I'm closing 1 out of 3 people who listen to my messages then transfer to me.

That is an awesome closing ratio. If I had been closing 1 out of 3 for all the years I have been selling insurance we wouldn't be having this conversation. :biggrin:

Investing in one's business does work!