81 year old declined from "get up and go"

All I do is FU. I don't feel like I have nightmare cases hardly ever really. I've had a few tough ones, and a few that got declined. I've also jumped through alot of hoops and gotten clients approved and/or better ratings by doing so. That said, I'm not doing 100 cases a year like some folks...so I probably don't have as much chance of running into them. The last case I did on an older person, she was 82...got issued standard nt. Like I mentioned, hadn't heard of that before, good to know...learn something every day.
what does the fact that I was previously on salary and now I'm not have to do with my insurance experience. You're high and mighty.. I get it. Settle down..
Unknot your underroos for a moment and reread the post in this thread. Post from agents. Losing that case would sting. But learn from it.

Did you do any pre-screening?
Did you quote him standard or preferred?
Did you prep him to alternative options in case it came back OTA?
Did you figure out how much the current policy will cost him if he keeps it?

If he can afford a $150,000.00 GUL he is not your typical FE client. Probably smarter and better prepared so you need to be as well.

High horse? Post in the FE forum. Bring tissue.

Look, it is one case, BFD, next. Have a couple bourbons, cuss, spit, take a shower then get back to it.
All I do is FU. I don't feel like I have nightmare cases hardly ever really. I've had a few tough ones, and a few that got declined. I've also jumped through alot of hoops and gotten clients approved and/or better ratings by doing so. That said, I'm not doing 100 cases a year like some folks...so I probably don't have as much chance of running into them. The last case I did on an older person, she was 82...got issued standard nt. Like I mentioned, hadn't heard of that before, good to know...learn something every day.

My nightmare cases tend to be tiny face and premium deals.
Unknot your underroos for a moment and reread the post in this thread. Post from agents. Losing that case would sting. But learn from it.

Did you do any pre-screening?
Did you quote him standard or preferred?
Did you prep him to alternative options in case it came back OTA?
Did you figure out how much the current policy will cost him if he keeps it?

If he can afford a $150,000.00 GUL he is not your typical FE client. Probably smarter and better prepared so you need to be as well.

High horse? Post in the FE forum. Bring tissue.

Look, it is one case, BFD, next. Have a couple bourbons, cuss, spit, take a shower then get back to it.

look, "WINO", yes, I did do pre-screening and he checked out ok or I wouldn't have written the app! I did not not, however, have him perform the 'get up and go' test. Of course I quoted him Standard NT, why Preferred at 81? I set realistic expectations with my clients. And yeah, I not only got the figures on his current policy, i called said company while in the home to confirm the policy was indeed active and in force and that it was a 150k UL policy with William Penn/ Legal and General. We applied for a 250k GUL..but the lowest he will accept is 150k. Moral of the story is: sometimes you do your due diligence and "SHIT HAPPENS". it is what it is. We are applying with another company, called the underwriter..think he might have a chance with this other company that is a little more liberal. Of course getting a new exam done as well.

And "my bad", I didn't know I posted in the "FE Forum" I thought I posted in the "life insurance forum".

Yes, I literally just left Total Wine, you read my mind.
I wrote a pretty large case with them before on a 67 year old and it was hell to get through underwriting.

FU is a nightmare . Bait and switch most of the time unless you have a very healthy person

what does the fact that I was previously on salary and now I'm not have to do with my insurance experience. You're high and mighty.. I get it. Settle down..

and to each as own. I would rather not wait months to get paid either , but you do you! lol

The reason people are saying what they are, is because it is very clear you do not have a lot of experience with fully underwritten products. Or at least being the writing agent on them.

To call FU "bait and switch" is just pure ignorance. And it shows how green you really are with this area of the industry.

It is your job to field underwrite and to determine the most likely health class. If most of your cases are coming back rated higher than what you estimated, then you need to work on your Field Underwriting.


It takes 1-2 months for the average fully underwritten life case. Thats just the norm of the industry you have chosen.

Some people will get a decline, even when you think they shouldnt be. That is just the norm.

You should have known before hand, that it normally takes 1-2 months, sometimes even 3 for complex UW (like an 80yo), for a case to be approved. Then it will often take another week or even 2 weeks to actually get paid.


You can choose to only offer FE policies.

But you will be screwing over people who are healthy and can qualify for a fully underwritten policy.

And when an agent like me comes along in the future, you will have pissed off clients and your business will get replaced.


Instead of coming on here and bitching and accusing carriers of "bait and switch". Try asking questions on what to do differently or how to handle cases such as this.

Well over 100 years of life insurance experience has given you advice so far on this issue. It might not have been the nicest way to give advice. But there is some very valuable advice sprinkled in there that I would highly recommend you take to heart if you plan to succeed as a life insurance agent.

You might have 10 years in the industry, but its clear that decade was not spent working fully underwritten life cases. Ask more, listen more, accuse less, and you will learn to succeed as a life agent.
The reason people are saying what they are, is because it is very clear you do not have a lot of experience with fully underwritten products. Or at least being the writing agent on them.

To call FU "bait and switch" is just pure ignorance. And it shows how green you really are with this area of the industry.

It is YOUR JOB to field underwrite and to determine the most likely health class. If most of your cases are coming back rated higher than what you estimated, then you need to work on your Field Underwriting.


It takes 1-2 months for the average fully underwritten life case. Thats just the norm of the industry you have chosen.

Some people will get a decline, even when you think they shouldnt be. That is just the norm.

You should have known before hand, that it normally takes 1-2 months, sometimes even 3 for complex UW (like an 80yo), for a case to be approved. Then it will often take another week or even 2 weeks to actually get paid.


You can choose to only offer FE policies.

But you will be screwing over people who are healthy and can qualify for a fully underwritten policy.

And when an agent like me comes along in the future, you will have pissed off clients and your business will get replaced.


Instead of coming on here and bitching and accusing carriers of "bait and switch". Try asking questions on what to do differently or how to handle cases such as this.

Well over 100 years of life insurance experience has given you advice so far on this issue. It might not have been the nicest way to give advice. But there is some very valuable advice sprinkled in there that I would highly recommend you take to heart if you plan to succeed as a life insurance agent.

You might have 10 years in the industry, but its clear that decade was not spent working fully underwritten life cases. Ask more, listen more, accuse less, and you will learn to succeed as a life agent.

did you even read what I wrote? i DID do the field underwriting with this guy, however I did not do the 'get up and go' test with him as he seemed to walk just fine. no cane, wheelchair, walker etc. You can do all the field underwriting you want but there are often surprises along the way that could come up in the labs or APS that you weren't aware of or that the client didn't disclose to you. .then they get approved other than applied. This is NOT an FE case. sorry for the confusion. And btw, my client isn't "pissed off" as I have not given up and are exploring other options.
did you even read what I wrote? i DID do the field underwriting with this guy, however I did not do the 'get up and go' test with him as he seemed to walk just fine. no cane, wheelchair, walker etc. You can do all the field underwriting you want but there are often surprises along the way that could come up in the labs or APS that you weren't aware of or that the client didn't disclose to you. .then they get approved other than applied. This is NOT an FE case. sorry for the confusion. And btw, my client isn't "pissed off" as I have not given up and are exploring other options.

I did read what you wrote. I dont think you read all of what I wrote though.

Your taking bits and pieces and getting all pissed off over a single comment. Yet you are missing the larger point.

I never said you didnt do any field underwriting. I said that if this is a common thing for you (which it seems like it might be since you called FU "bait and switch"), then you are missing something that you need to improve on.

Good luck to you. I tried to give you sincere and constructive advice... especially since your an agent who might be close to me in location... it was not a personal insult.

It seems you just want to be angry at the moment and vent, which is ok, but calling FU bait and switch is only going to make people who have made lifelong careers selling FU very offended.

(and Wino meant that the FE section is much harder on agents than this section, he wasnt implying your case was a FE case)