A dying agents warning ‼️

It's a huge assumption that every senior can afford the copay and coinsurance that comes with an MA plan.
Many services don't have copays. And with the plan designs, the copays are extremely low. The only copay that even a person on an EXTREMELY limited budget would even remotely need to even be somewhat concerned with is the overnight hospital stay, and that can be covered with a $10/month indemnity add-on. A surgery that costs $50,000, $60,000.....$100,000 is literally $200...maybe $350 on the high end.

Use of Prior Authorization Up in Medicare Advantage Plans, Senate Report Finds​

Post-acute care is among the highest category of medicare fraud.


Use of Prior Authorization Up in Medicare Advantage Plans, Senate Report Finds​

Prior auth is OK for 64 years and 364 days but when someone turns the magical age of 65 no more Prior Authorization. Talk about ass backwards. No wonder Med Sups go up and up. Can’t tell me a Med Sup company wouldn’t love PA but OM says nah, no need to look at a claim and let’s just pay it.
Prior auth is OK for 64 years and 364 days but when someone turns the magical age of 65 no more Prior Authorization. Talk about ass backwards. No wonder Med Sups go up and up. Can’t tell me a Med Sup company wouldn’t love PA but OM says nah, no need to look at a claim and let’s just pay it.
Boy you nailed that one. I just got a rate increase on my plan G. That extra fifteen a month is going to hurt.

I'd much rather wait 10 days for my PA to go through on that band-aide my doctor ordered.

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