A Heads Up Regarding Aetna FFM Certification


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I submitted my 2015 certification form and certificate to both Coventry and Aetna on October 10th by email per their instructions.

I requested a 'Read Receipt' and received one back from Coventry.

After not hearing from them since then I decided to call Broker services this afternoon and they had no record of my submission of the form and certificate.

The Broker Services agent sent me an email with her contact information and I sent back the completed form and certificate-she later emailed me that it was in the Coventry system and had been sent on to Aetna for processing.

I no longer take anything for granted with insurance companies and neither should any of you-the Broker services agent said this was happening 'often' so, unless you have a confirmation email from Aetna/Coventry, it would be worth your time to call them and make sure they have processed your request.
I received an email back from Aetna on 8/22

Broker Support - Aetna Individual Market
Today at 2:15 PM


Thank you for your e-mail!

Your FFM documentation has been received and forwarded for processing. If additional information is required to process your FFM Form and/or FFM Certification, AIM Broker Support will contact you directly.

As always thank you for choosing Aetna!
I received an email back from Aetna on 8/22

Broker Support - Aetna Individual Market
Today at 2:15 PM


Thank you for your e-mail!

Your FFM documentation has been received and forwarded for processing. If additional information is required to process your FFM Form and/or FFM Certification, AIM Broker Support will contact you directly.

As always thank you for choosing Aetna!

I never got that email, that's why I called today-as with Medicare, Aetna's internal processes are screwed up and can't be trusted.
I never got that email, that's why I called today-as with Medicare, Aetna's internal processes are screwed up and can't be trusted.

Aetna started their 2015 webinar today by boasting about how simplified everything has become now that Aetna and Coventry are operating as one company.

But throughout the presentation, she (the presenter) confused herself and the audience with what states Aetna is in. What states Coventry is in. What states will have Aetna on the Exchange. What states will have Coventry on the Exchange. What link you use to search for Aetna physicians. The link URL for Coventry physicians... The Aetna -vs- Coventry Bronze, Silver, etc..

No wonder their internal processes are screwed up!

On the bright side, once you're in Aetna's system, running a quote with the new supercharged Quote Engine that Aetna had Coventry design for their combined operations should simplify things. The zip code used will eliminate all the non-applicable options.
Aetna's idea of "simplified" is 149 networks on their "doc find" (yes, I counted them). Try reading their group insurance quotes. (Mental picture of head banging against wall).
I sent ffm and certificate of completion at least 5 times. It appears they had to be sent to both Aetna and coventry got it to g get processed.

It seems like a disaster to me. The new commission stinks. Looks like an average of 30% less based on some numbers I ran.

Too much work and stress for the 2015 schedule.