A Little Interesting

Even though the guy isn't the smartest apple in the bunch, FLM, you have NO idea how bad it has been. They couldn't add newborns until the last week in May. I had January newborns not in the system for almost 6 months.

As far as billing goes, even if he called and cust service said it was right, if you looked in a different billing system, it could be wrong. There are 4 different systems and at any one time, all 4 would have a different amount. NOT KIDDING.

And if I was on auto-draft and saw that they policy was being drafted monthly, I wouldn't check beyond that, either.

Cut the guy some slack

I gave my opinion, it's OK for yours to be different. I have 150 clients with 2014 plans and have to deal with issues on an almost daily basis, I don't think these are state or insurance company specific things-it may be more difficult for an Exchange plan but this one is Off Exchange.

As for the article, there are so many holes in it, for example, 'hiring a health insurance agent in July to help'. How do you 'hire' an agent in mid-year without changing plans? Have you ever been 'hired' by someone in that manner without doing an enrollment?

I just dislike articles published that are both inaccurate and misleading-in this case, I think both of these aspects are true. The 'wealth management advisor', who is essentially a stock broker, and the reporter both have no clue as to what they are saying.
you can be hired by doing an AOR form... been doing them for years.... easy money


I already mentioned this in my earlier post

I rarely do one of those so it isn't on my radar, good point.

I also didn't know you could do one for a 1st year policy, as this one is.
Yes, the four story's I read sounded like the insurance was working like it was suppose to except this wealth manager's


Four differing accounts eh? I get sick of everyone blaming all insurance problems on ObamaCare. Although I'm not a fan of ObamaCare the way it's set up now, we're all mature enough to understand that if a company can't get it's billing and claims software working properly after years of preparation, it's not the fault of ObamaCare. That's like blaming HealthCare.gov operational problems on ObamaCare, instead of incompetent employees and management.

With this story, there are too many holes in it to know where to place the blame. If this guy wasn't a licensed Agent and Wealth Advisor (whatever the hell that is), his problem would have simply blended in to the background noise that's always ongoing. Maybe he would have been happier if Pre-Existing Condition Exclusions still existed.

Yes, the four story's I read sounded like the insurance was working like it was suppose to except this wealth manager's
How is this unbelievable? He had a license and thought that meant he actually knew what he was doing. Add to that he was in wealth management who typically think they know more about insurance than they do, and this is real easy to see play out this way.
Because health insurers are making more mistakes than ever, ACA certified Agents who care about their client's well-being, are now needed more than ever.
Can we make this into a bumper sticker?

As a bumper sticker, it might get you a few dates, but potential clients right off the bat? I dunno.

KGMom, I underlined those words because there are a lot of Marketplace Certified agents who don't care about service. As the thread-leading "Wealth Adviser" story verifies, having the certification means nada if you don't help your client. Most of us in this forum are Certified, but we're also client service oriented.
As a bumper sticker, it might get you a few dates, but potential clients right off the bat? I dunno.

KGMom, I underlined those words because there are a lot of Marketplace Certified agents who don't care about service. As the thread-leading "Wealth Adviser" story verifies, having the certification means nada if you don't help your client. Most of us in this forum are Certified, but we're also client service oriented.

I totally agree Allen. Which is why I quoted you on my FB page....