have been selling life insurance part-time for three years now
I feel like a failure at this point even though I know deep down it's not my fault. It really has me wanting to throw in the towel.
Honestly not sure if you are serious?
he other one got all upset when I told her her driving record was hurting our efforts. She told me that was just stupid even after I explained the risks of her behavior.
. I have been selling life insurance part-time for three years now and honestly the type of people I get take a long time to find an agency "fit"...
You cant see these are not the people looking for life ins? I mean life Ins is not a necessity it is a luxury, I highly doubt a low income mother of 6 spends any time thinking hey I need to get a life insurance policy, When she probably has a hard time getting clothes and food for her kids
If you are serious you should think about changing the type of prospect you are looking for
I feel like a failure at this point even though I know deep down it's not my fault. It really has me wanting to throw in the towel.
Honestly not sure if you are serious?
he other one got all upset when I told her her driving record was hurting our efforts. She told me that was just stupid even after I explained the risks of her behavior.
. I have been selling life insurance part-time for three years now and honestly the type of people I get take a long time to find an agency "fit"...
You cant see these are not the people looking for life ins? I mean life Ins is not a necessity it is a luxury, I highly doubt a low income mother of 6 spends any time thinking hey I need to get a life insurance policy, When she probably has a hard time getting clothes and food for her kids
If you are serious you should think about changing the type of prospect you are looking for