Med supp co's pay 20% of the medical bill and the hosp deductibles. Doesn't matter what carrier...majority claims fall into this scenario. MA's have such a sliding scale per benefit it adds to complexity. IMHO
Yeah, and how many agents have noticed that OON 20% co-insurance reflects the same benefits of Original Medicare sans Med Sup? Ouch!
That knife cuts both ways... I have had clients go to OON doctors and end up paying less than the network doctor co-pay. Look at the doctor copay and compare it to the local average physician office visit charge and calculate the 20%.
In the long run, healthy clients benefit from MA plans the most, as do the carriers. But as long as the MOOP, together with the Annualized Premium is less than the Annual Med Sup Premium, the cost benefit favors the MA plan.
Some people just object to the co-pay demand at the time of service because they can't plan ahead for it. It seems that if they have to pay in advance, they are OK with that.
..."Diff'rent strokes fer diff'rent folks!"