You got suckered out of $850. Doesn't mean anyone else should.
What a ridiculous statement !!
I happen to love my position and have never made better money since I got started into insurance. I would also put the income of most of the agents here up against 95% of the best agents out there that are scraping for business. This company has a system that performs. If $850 keeps you from a job that allows you to make a much larger income.......that is being plain stupid. I was never suckered and the guys who own this firm have way more class and success behind them than to need a meager $850 from me. So speak for yourself. You have no idea what you are even talking about !! That is pennies for a position like I now have and small minded thinking if you ask me !! I can give anyone that is thinking about working at Visionary Insurance reference after reference to talk with. That is what I did....I called and spoke to other agents and they all had good things to say. So just email me !! Some of the people on here just like to read their own blogs !!!! LOL !! Visionary is a very respectable firm and have delivered all that they promised me. Besides, the fee is for the cost of the hiring process used. They do not charge their agents for anything they provide them once they are hired.