A Positive Perspective to Health Care Reform?

I just talked to someone today that does programing for insurance companies and she said it was being planned that by 2014 there would be no more insurance brokers/agents or underwriting, for personal healthcare or Medicare.
I am trying to get more specifics on it, because over a year ago she also told me where Insurances were heading with Medicare and so far has been right.
My thought, someone has to sell the plans, no matter what kind it is.
Would somebody please respond to Hope33709? What a post.

I have done some research about the subject on the internet and the fact is, nobody really knows. I suspect someone or a group may know but the cat isn't out of the bag yet. Unless she has some kind of crystal ball that woks I suspect she is just making an assumption as well.

I suspect things will get bad but just how bad, who knows.......

The way I look at it is 1) you can beat yourself up about it 2) you can roll with it and see what happens 3) start looking for a new line of work inside or outside of the industry of health 4) continue with a plan b

There are too many moving parts in this new reform and for anyone to guess it right would be like trying to hit a moving target and I expect further change. One thing we can always count on is change in the way we do business, especially in the current world and environment we are in.

From the articles I have read, an agent will still have a role to play. What that role is and what amount of compensation there will be, we don't really know. These are truly unchartered waters for us in this business as this affects a whole nation not just some previous states which have gone through reform. One thing we do know is it won't work. It will either collapse or turn into single payer at some point unless changes are made one way or the other, just common sense.

I however don't feel very optimistic over the long run. Why, because this plan was not drawn out with an agent in mind at all. Everything that has been done lately with our laws seems to hurt people trying to make a living. Seems they are the last ones to get any consideration. Most of the stuff floating around out there seems more like job killers and more big government.

If you have been reading this thread, it is about coming up with workable solutions to adapt to HCR.

The fact is that the majority of the business insurance companies write is produced by agents.

While the dynamic will change in 2014, as well as the commission, it would simply not make sense to eliminate the agent.

Think about if you ran a business...would you junk your salesforce or simply reduce the cost of sale to align with market conditions?

Yes, commissions will be reduced, and it will be a good idea to diversify, so that you make up that lost commission with other products.

BTW, in NJ - a GI market, agents earn 5%.

Which is about 20% or greater when you compare premiums of NJ vs other states - something to consider. Also consider a lot of these companies in GI states have captive agent agreements - maybe Winter can comment on Anthem in ME, I thought it was captive only?

For example BCBS... Horizon BCBS.
Can I get a non resident license and sell from Texas? I do a pretty good Aussie accent.

Can you speak Gecko?

But seriously, Obamacare is going to change. It will remain in some form but different from what we are looking at now.

Leading up to signing the final version there were several permutations and it will continue to morph.